Sunday, December 16, 2007

Xmas Party!

I know it's yet another photo of Puddles but the rest of the pictures taken last night during the Christmas party aren't that great. So to save everyone (including my photo taking skills) some embarrassment, I'm not gonna upload any of them! 

But I do want to say thank you so much to my friends who were there yesterday, you guys made it special and especially fun and I hope to see you guys again for all the parties to come! Woot woot!


Anonymous said...

i think the highlight of your party is puddles - that's how bleeding cute your dog is. i never really like dogs in the first place! (my mom got bitten in the leg by one ferocious psycho of a dog because she was shielding me from it when i was young.)

i think i'd like to own a maltese one day. puddles is about as cute as my babies! (that's a high compliment from a baby person.)

oh yes, thank you so much for inviting me to the party. i feel bummed because i didn't take enough lasagna and pie yesterday before they ran out.

heh, i tapaued one gingerbread cookie home though! hehe

Sue Ling said...

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself! I know, I was disappointed because I didn't get to have any lasagna myself! Oh well, there is always next time! ;)

Should you ever want to get a dog though, ask me! I can help you out there! I know just how and where to get an ideal one! :D