Friday, December 21, 2007


Lookie my spankin' new Red Roxx!

Now Playing : "Snow Brigade" - Mew

Imagine this;

I am a self-confessed audiophile.

Three weeks ago the best pair of earphones I've ever put into my ears got ruined.

Oh, the torture having to downgrade to the insufferable Apple earphones!! Due to a negligence of mine for not saving the proof of purchase, I was unable to get a free replacement and so I've been on the hunt to buy new ones. 

E-mailed Machines to see if they carry the product. No answer. Some customer service!

One...two...three weeks pass on. Ears getting itchy, iPod getting severely underused.!!

I seriously contemplated buying them direct from their website, but shipping would probably cost a, I'd probably have to wait even longer for it to arrive.

Then today, a stroke of luck! EpiCentre at the Pavilion has them!! WOOT WOOT!! Since the black cable literally tore on my last black V-Moda Vibes, I decided to get the red ones which actually look pretty cool contrary to what I first perceived and they have different cables so fingers crossed!

Alas, my journey for audio perfection has not been kind on my wallet. Now I'm totally, totally broke. *Sniff* Shelling out RM438 for these beauties was absolutely worth it and contrary to what you might think, totally necessary. ;)

Back to audio bliss!!

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