Friday, December 28, 2007

New Target

Now Playing : "(You Knocked Me) Off My Feet" - Sondre Lerche

Before you think this post is about some assassin check list, it's actually about some really, really great news!! Today, I stepped on to the scale and found out that I've achieved my goal of losing 20 pounds by December 31st!! (Since October 19)

YAY I DID IT!! *hops with glee*

Immediately I threw on a couple of clothes I got from my trip to Hong Kong last May that I never wore because well, you know why, and voila! It fit!! Woot woot!! 


I can't celebrate prematurely because there were still some pieces that made me look like a hot air balloon. Here's where the "new target" comes in; now that my short term goal was reached, I'm making a new short term goal and that is to lose another 10 pounds (I've got 45 pounds to go) by Chinese New Year! That's 40 days to get the job done and I've got to get crankin' right away! 

Wooooo I'm soooo happy that this time the diet regime is working out!

I didn't eat the cupcake shown below--since it was just way too fattening and I'm not into desserts anyway and my Christmas miracle was knocking on the door--but it was just so pretty that I had to show you guys! For those who actually want to pursue this piece of mouth bliss, you can get it at Ms.Reed's sister restaurant in Megamall. I forgot the name of the place though but it's directly opposite Starbucks and beside the walkway to Gardens.

Happy eating! ;)


Anonymous said...


That's an amazing achievement in 2 months.

Any tips on how you did it? I so need the help :)

Anonymous said...

look forward to c u next week.. muahahha.. we can share the pumpkin seeds in class.. lol

Sue Ling said...

@ayaka-san : Thank you! It was no easy task and I'm glad the hard work paid off! Sure, I'm always glad to share the methods.

CC probably discourages some of it though, especially my "strategy" of trying not to eat more than a ceiling 1200 cals a day, although I try to stop when I hit 1000 cals. Diet wise, watch sodium, carbs and fat content... the rule of thumb is the less the better (but not to the extent of none)! To combat cravings I allow myself cheat days (weekends only) but at the same time do not gorge. However, if I find that throughout the week days I've been eating things that I shouldn't or have gone over daily quotas, I punish myself by not allowing myself to have my cheat weekends.

I must admit though,I. HATE. TO. EXERCISE!! Still, I try to run on the treadmill 3 times a week for 20 minutes (any longer than that I pass out) but if you think you can go longer than that, YAY! Try to hold light dumb bells as you run, that would burn and tone your arms/upper body. That way you get a more whole body workout.

I'm sure you've noticed that Giant is horrible at selling diet products! Do your grocery shopping at Cold Storage, particularly at Ikano or any grocery superstores that cater to expatriates like the one in Gardens or Pavilion. They have more diet/lowfat/low sodium/etc choices so you don't have to have a monotonous diet. I recommend Green Giant frozen veggies...YUM and healthy! Frozen foods aren't always bad as they say they are...just watch the nutritional values and pick. Frozen also means that all the nutrients are retained. ;)

And finally...SELF RESTRAINT and PRESERVATION and a big chunk of WILL! It was really hard for me, but I find now I can better restraint myself from senseless eating and caving in by the mere sight of food.

@Izyan : Eh, don't lah! I'm still big ya don't get surprised if on Monday you don't see me as slim as the rest of the girls in the class! *wink!* YUM would love to share those pumpkin seeds! Good for you for choosing healthier snacks!