Sunday, December 9, 2007

Pieces of Me

Now Playing : "All I Got" - Newton Faulkner

I'm sorry. 

It's the only thing I can say for not posting daily as I used to. I admit, it's not been a very fun blog of late, and the mood strikes naught lately. Inspiration only casts a line every now and then, and if I'm lucky, I'll catch on.

It's not rocket science to figure me out. I am pretty transparent, I suppose since I make no reservations in letting others know my emotions unless truly necessary. But, no matter how strong you try to be for yourself and others, if the one key element that makes you whole is not there, you're just a little broken. Inside. 

And you'll remain incomplete until the missing puzzle piece finds its way back to fill that hole--that void--in you.

I am broken. But not without hope.

Still, it takes a toll. Everywhere I go, everything I see and everything I some way one or another, is connected to that missing piece. Not by obsession but by experience. By knowledge. The name of a video game, an Army marching song, someone else's missing piece present.

Hope is the best thing I've got right now. Family...of all kinds keeps the hope in me gluing the pieces of me together. Family of blood, of friends and of the one your heart most desires. 

With them, I am still with hope.


Anonymous said...


You are transparent, and anyone who reads that post that knows you even just a little hopes that you'll put that big beautiful smile back on your face and feel the love that is coming your way!!


Sue Ling said...

Aww thanks, Mark. :D