Monday, December 24, 2007

Smelly Fingers (Updated w/ Photos!)

Now Playing : "Say Ok" - Vanessa Hudgens

Just a mini post for now, I'm blogging from the kitchen and we're cooking tonight's Christmas Eve dinner and it's beginning to look and smell simply fabulous! I've been helping my mother prepare all the ingredients before and as she cooks and each ingredient I touch, my fingers will smell exactly like them afterwards! 

I held bacon, mushrooms, celery, cheese and a myriad of other things and I'm pretty sure if my fingers were in line to go into the microwave I bet the mixed aroma would make anyone salivate!

Got kinda cannibalistic there...oops! Anyhoos, I'll be back later with pictures of our dinner (if I remember to take them hahaha!) so lookout for an update, folks!

Christmas Eve dinner (L-R) : Baked stuffed chicken, potato+veggie+organic pasta salad, lamb pie, stuffed mushrooms.

My Christmas presents for this year! Thank you everyone!

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