Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Once upon a time, not quite so long ago, soda was my water. Then as you know, I embarked on a healthier eating lifestyle and cut out sugary drinks except for very special occasions. Last week was one of those special occasions, and I treated myself to a can of that sugary liquid. 


My heart started beating faster. My stomach bloated to rival a pregnant woman's. My pulse races and soon, I was knocked out. From a sugar rush or crash or whatever you call it. Throughout my blackout, I could feel my heartbeat not slow down.

At first, I was terrified.

Then, I suddenly realized it was a good thing. For me, my body to react like that to soda. That it's a good thing because it aids me keeping away from the unhealthy beverage. It's better that I react in such that I don't feel inclined to drink it on a more regular basis. Or even be tempted.

Because it was a horrible feeling. As if I was going to pop an artery and die right there and then.

In short, soda killlllz!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Deepavali!

Happy Deepavali, Darren and family! 
Thank you for inviting us over to your home to wreck havoc on your youngest host! :D
Also, the food was awesome and believe me when I say I got my fill of muruku!

"Come eat my food...or I'll smash mutton curry in your mouth!"

Darren's homemade muruku which I absolutely die for!!

Jules and June satisfied with the yummy Indian food.

The well dressed host with his slightly off grin :D

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I just love this picture so that's why it's up here :P

The End of Birthday Celebrations

It's been too long a while since I've had a really great birthday.

This year's is one to always remember...thanks to the people involved and the days spent celebrating it, I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend it (other than having Phil down here with us, of course).

Tonight, my family went for our long awaited annual birthday dinner, this year at some really fancy Japanese buffet restaurant in Eastin Hotel. This marks the end of birthday celebrations which began at 12am Thursday and what a way to bring it to an end with great food and great company.

My family and I having awesome Japanese food!

A big surprise!
My dad got me this camera as my birthday present, something quite unusual for him as he normally gives angpows for my birthdays. 

Another big surprise!
My dad got my mum this really cool new phone, also something quite unusual for him as he normally gives her jewelry and angpows as well!


What a great birthday.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I wanna thank these few people for making it absolutely wonderful!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!!


Woo hoo! It's my birthday today!!

It's been one I've been looking forward to a lot, even more than my 16th or 21st birthday as my 23rd birthday holds a lot of significance for me--or at least for this family because the number 23 holds a special place in our hearts.

I want to say thank you all soooo much for the birthday wishes I have been receiving and I'm touched you took the effort of sending them.

Also a special thank you to my family, most especially my sister June, for toiling over two birthday cakes for me and my mum's birthday! (I did mention we share the same birthdate, right?)

Here are a few pictures of our traditional midnight celebration :D

Our lovely cakes that June baked.
 Can you guess which belongs to who?

One of the best cakes I've ever had!

I didn't want to cut into the beautiful cake...but eventually I caved.
Oooh, and colorful surprises behold inside!

Someone sent me this lovely birthday card...and forgot to sign it.
I have no idea who sent it O_o

Birthday cards from June and Mum!! Lovely!!

June's homemade birthday gift to me.
Inspired by our joke-cracking dad, of course. ;)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

When You've Had a Bad Day...

...don't pig out.

And I'm sorry I did. With that carton of chocolate milk...and that deliciously irresistable homemade macaroni and cheese...and the two dates I snuck in after that. 

I haven't emotionally ate in a very long time so I suppose you can tell that today was just not my day. Why am I sugar(yum!)coating it? 

My day sucked.

First, I woke up late. You can imagine all the scrambling around the house that followed.

Then, I got stuck in the most annoying traffic jam ever.

Halfway through my 9am class, I got my period and it was this close for it to show for all to see. My energy levels started to drain because of this.

Then I received a rejection after gathering whatever ounce of courage I had. Though not of anybody's fault, it was the way it was presented that bothered me. By close proximity, it was (unawarely) rubbed in. But I suppose hormones were just making me all the more sensitive.

Lunch. Still can't bring myself to subject my tastebuds to organic food despite having really looked forward to trying the organic food restaurant near my workplace. I settled for curry mee, totally forgetting about my sore throat.

Next class. Power levels dwindled by then. It happened to be a particularly exhausting class, despite all the planning I did for it beforehand. Can you imagine my energy going *zap!* *zap!* *zap!* ? Involved a lot of squatting, not something that goes well with cramps.

It was raining during dinnertime, although that didn't make the day worse as I had already gotten used to it raining everyday. It started out as a nice dinner between colleagues when a fourth one joined us, imho, totally ruining it for me as I was not fond of her. Or maybe just rather intimidated. Or both.

More bad news came. Not chosen...and I couldn't figure out why. Not that I'd ask. I am somewhat surprised at my reaction towards this because I haven't been looking forward to being picked nor having bothered about this event at all...but ever since my leave to go to Italy got rejected, I had started looking forward to it a little so it would take my mind off things. Plus, it looked interesting.

But I didn't get it and I am disappointed.

Last class of the day was particularly easy to handle thank goodness, but I was drained emotionally, physically and well, something else (if you can guess...). I wished I had given it my all as I normally did for this class as I have had trouble with this class in the past in giving and receiving respect on so many levels. 

The kids had remembered my birthday and wished me happy birthday and brought a present.

But I was just so...zapped that I could barely force an enthusiastic smile for them. Plus, my throat was acting up from the curry I foolishly ate.

I guess my hormones is doing a lot of the talking for this post. I know I'd get over it and there's always another chance next year...I don't think I've gone so far off the cliff of hope. 

I know I've got paranoid issues. I know I've got self-confidence issues. I know I'm quite retarded at doing anything socially.

But things are starting to become how they've always been...in school and in uni.

I'm being overlooked.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Brilliant Works of M.S Escher

What did you spot first?

It's said that whichever picture you notice first tells how your mind works. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find exactly what that means. I assume that if you saw the devils first means you're (technically) evil and if you saw angels first, you're (technically) pure. I had trouble spotting the angels until my mum had to point it out to me. *sniff*

Angels or Devils, as the picture above is called, is one of the the brilliant works of mathematician artist M.C Escher whom I highly recommend you check out

here and here.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Looking Back : One Heck of a Year

Now Playing : "Everlong" - Foo Fighters

This post took a year in the making.

Today marks a year I've been working at improving my life. A year ago today, I started on the gargantuan task of ridding myself of what has bothered me most my whole life; my weight; for all the reasons stated here.

...And now, with an excited yet wary heart, I finally ease my tight grip to share some from my personal pictorial weight-loss diary which consists what I've always been terrified of showing people; pictures of my fat self. Pictures of my fat, ugly self. Pictures that I've never ever shown even Phil for unfounded fear of him being slightly appalled (even though he long established that would never happen). Pictures of which I can't stand to look at for very long without being totally disgusted with myself for having been that way. Pictures that I force myself to look at whenever I get discouraged from toiling on. These pictures have been the source of my inspiration, my constant reminder of what I was and what I should not allow myself to be any longer. These pictures are also minute in number, as shunning the blinding light was second nature.

The pictures below were taken progressively (in order) over a period of a year, nearly all pictures being of a different month. They say, never ask a woman her age and weight. I'll be turning 23 in eleven days, and I don't give a crap about it. Without further adieu...

Please don't wrinkle your faces in horror :(

September 2007. 178lbs.
My cousins and I.
A turning point in my life which spearheaded me into my weight loss in the following month.

October 2007. 178lbs.
The last birthday I would ever (want to) spend obese.
Toy pig is an coincidental yet ironic symbolization.

December 2007. 160lbs.
Christmas party at home w/ friends.
Was personally shocked and appalled by my whale-ish physique here.

February 2008. 145lbs.
Chinese New Year.
Was happy I could get new clothes that fit and no longer needed (or wanted) to hide behind black. Still low in style, however.

February 2008.
At the Switchfoot concert.
 Did not rush to press the camera's delete button in a long time.

April 2008. 130lbs.
Uni mates luncheon at Italiannies.
Was extremely happy to have a whole bunch of pictures where I was really pleased with how I looked. Was a total camwhore.

Unknown month.
With cousin Kelz at the movies. 
Hated my rotund midsection protruding out in this shirt unlike as previously thought. It promptly went into temporary storage. 
Still in storage, infact.

April 2008.
At university on our last day.
Hate. That. Chubby. Arm.

June 2008. 127.5lbs.
At parents' 25 Yr Anniversary. 
Wardrobe growing more colorful. Yellow may have been too ambitious, however.
Can still see big stomach from underneath.

August 2008. 120lbs.
At my graduation. 
Was pretty pleased with myself despite falling 10 pounds short of original goal.

August 2008.
Florida trip.
Weight fluctuated like a see-saw, went up to 128lbs while there from too much good food. Thank god it didn't show...except in tummy :(

October 2008. 119.5lbs.
Weight hasn't budged for two months
Fortunately, still get to buy new additions to growing wardrobe.
Still. Hate. That. Arm.

Last night.
Pigged out the whole day. >_<
Pretty darn happy with this picture (only because arm hides...)
Finally wearing a white top, the color used to be most forbidden.

It's not over. 

I still have 10 more pounds to go. Unfortunately, it's not actually going anywhere. I'm stuck. The prospect of losing three pounds by my birthday seems unattainable. I wonder if I can get it to bloody move by the time Christmas swings by. 

And please, don't say I don't need to lose anymore.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stay tuned

I'm in the middle of constructing a personal milestone post.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I hope I get it...

I want it really, really badly.


EDIT : I got waaaaay too many calls and texts from people asking if I'm pregnant after reading this post. HELLLOOOOO! Can't a person put up a picture of babies without talking about pregnancy? Still, thanks for the concern (or maybe you guys were just being plain busybody :P) but really, why the heck would I be hoping to be pregnant?! XD

...I wouldn't be. At least, not for a very, very, very looong time.

And when I do, of course lah you'll get the news ;)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Notice an increase of Memes of late? :P

Yep. Got tagged again.

Chiquitita tagged me to fish out an old picture that was taken preferably while unaware. Hah, fish out need not for I have a couple of them right here on my laptop heeheehee! OK, not like I was totally expecting a Meme such as this, but still. 

It's a scan of an oooold photograph, there's no need to point out that I have a large fugly scar across my face (which I do not!). This was taken quite possibly before I was one, and though I may seem totally aware (and posing for) of the camera, I am not because this was taken in my parents' very first home and since I have no memory of living in that place, I can safely argue that I didn't know what a camera was and therefore have no recollection of that...blinding...light...

Whadyathink? Me cute baby? ;)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Doggy Party!

Puddles had his very first doggy party today! Well, it was more of a doggy mingle when two doggy enthusiasts popped by with their two Shih Tzus, Baby and Sweet.

Puddles has no idea what surprises are in store for him today!


"...and this is where I sleep..."


You have no idea how difficult it is to get a nice shot of all three dogs!

The mommies and their doggies!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


It's only been two months since my trip to Florida and I'm already thinking--admittedly, somewhat obsessively--about my next one. You know, the journey there (have I mentioned I love being on planes?) and all the new experiences I'll have.

In short, I can't wait to spend Christmas in Rome, Italy!!

It's still a looong way ahead, no need to remind me of that tiny detail but what makes this trip exciting and different from Florida is that I'm looking forward to being in a place where I'm out of my element--language.

Language has never been an issue with all my previous overseas trips I've ever taken, even when I went to Hong Kong because heck, I know I could depend on my parents to speak the lingo. All my talking basically done for me :P 

I've read that in more popular touristy areas in Italy such as Rome and Venice, the people speak English but I wonder if I might be forced to speak some Italian (hah! as if I could!)... after all, I won't have my parents to help me out and although Phil's been stationed in Italy for the last er, well long enough! he hasn't learned a lick of Italian so he'll be no use at all *wink*

If some of you remember, I took an Italian 101 class while I was still in university. I really, really wish I had paid attention in class because I can't remember 99% of what I learned! If I knew I was *ever* going to visit Europe, much less Italy, I would have at least remembered some basic phrases and numbers hahah! I think I shall dig around in my room and hope I kept my Italian notes and quickly brush up on a phrase or two ;)

I've always heard of Rome being a beautiful city but never really bothered about it. So, being bored I Flickr'd the city and found so many wonderful pictures of Rome and being fascinated by photography, they were even more so! 

Check it out here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Resolutions

Late August, my mum and I had made a bet with each other--and on my part, I had to lose the last 10 pounds of well, me, by our birthday.

But that was in August.

And I haven't exactly been eating as I should be since making that bet. O_o

I haven't gained anything. But I also haven't lost anything. I've been ridiculously stuck at the same number that I'm sick of seeing for over a month! My fingers and forearms have gotten slimmer, but that doesn't reflect on the scale *sniff* .

So since it's now October 1st, I shall make a tiny (and hopefully attainable) resolution to lose 3 pounds by the time October 23rd comes around. I'm going to reapply my "weekend-only" treats again because I've been a baaad girl :(

So, friends (namely you, you and you) whenever you feel like calling moi out to a fab dinner, can wait until the weekend ah? :P