Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Scale Is My Frenemy Pt. 2

If you're wondering why my weighing scale looks kinda dodgy,
it's most likely because it's friggin' old. XD

Now Playing : "Still Fighting It" - Ben Folds


OK, I've got good news and I've got bad news but we'll start with the good news first since it makes people (i.e me) happy. :D 

Good news is that I've successfully lost 15 pounds in my personal battle of the bulge. Yippee! 

Bad news is *sniffles* that that's all I've lost since I started this diet 8 weeks ago! Do I need to mention that I've got another 50 pounds to go before I reach my desired weight?

OKlah, technically I'm not really supposed to be rushing things since my goal is August next year, just in time for graduation *sings*..! but you know, it would be nice, like, really really nice if the scale needle would like, you know, keep on going to the left maybe one or two notches each week. *coughcoughhintcough* XD

But I guess it's understandable since this month is the month of Eats (woot Christmas!) but then again, so is next month (woot Chinese New Year!!...or is that in Feb? Meh, I can't remember) aaaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeee!!

Maybe it's time to change the scale to a spankin' new one?


Anonymous said...

15 lbs in 8 weeks is amazing!

Found you on CC and followed the link to your blog.

Another M'sian trying to lose weight too while dealing with unsupportive, frustrating issues :)

Good luck.

Sue Ling said...

Hey there! I'm glad to meet another Malaysian who is going through the same weight issues and struggles as me. Hopefully we can help each other reach our highly desired goals! ;)

15lbs in 8 weeks may be "a lot", but it sure ain't enough! :P