Saturday, December 15, 2007

Because Fred said I should blog about it.

All roaches follow suit please.

Now Semi-Watching : "Thundercats"




I'm pretty sure I screamed and whimpered more than that. I just had a cockroach walk past my face on my laptop and in a nanosecond I leaped off my bed. Did I mention that I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE BUGS??!??!?!?!

More so, I'm afraid of them. *sniff*

But mostly, just downright disgusted.

But it was on my bed, and it was nearly 4am, and I had to get some sleep soon and I just really didn't want to be in the same vicinity as a cockroach--let alone in bed with one of them (....) AND I JUST WANTED IT OFF MY BED!!

But I just...can''s so icky..and...eewwy...and...ugh.

But Fred, I could really hug you right now. Wooo hoooo!!!!


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