Monday, April 21, 2008


Now Playing : "Symphony No.9" - Beethoven


The important exams are on Thursday and Friday...but it's Monday already and I feel quite unmotivated to revise a second time. Heck, all my notes and books are lying here right next to me begging to be picked up and used but after reading a page, my mind drifts off someplace.

Maybe boredom, I thought...but then again, it couldn't be. I was bored the entire weekend and didn't do revision no.2 one bit and instead cleared out and reorganized my entire wardrobe. After removing five large trash bags full of clothes which were too large or just plain outdated and a couple of which, begged the question "what was I thinking?!", I am now left with a tidy but at least 60% bare closet.

Liberating? Yes. Satiated my boredom? Er, no...

This is really annoying since I know very well the pressure to do well enough to pass so that I can graduate this year. But, why isn't it stoking the non-fire in me to revise again?! Bah! It can't be due to overconfidence--I have very little, infact. Yet, I can't help thinking "oh, I already know this" each time I read random sentences in my notes. 

Overconfidence is not my friend, I learned this a couple of semesters back.

*Prays* Need strength...and possibly a good whack on the noggin.

**Wehehehehehe revised again right after posting this. Woot!

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