Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Last Waltz

English Class 2008

Now Playing : "Beverly Hills" - Weezer

Since it's past 12am, I've decided to update this blog with a post that holds significance in my life as a student.

Today, at 4pm, my student life will be over. 

That is, the class-going part of it anyway since I still have to sit for exams towards the end of this month. 

Throughout the semester, I had looked forward to this day with much eagerness with the excitement of things to come in my next phase of life. Then, during our lecturer-student luncheon held on Wednesday, as my rambunctious class snapped endless photos of each other in merriment, I couldn't help but start to realize all the feelings of nolstagia that was in the air.

It really hit me then. It really is going to be over. Forever. 

And I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Our English class of 2008 has been a rather unique one. We have fallen off cliffs, picked ourselves up, created good and not so good :P memories for our dear lecturers and I'm proud to hear our lectures deem the class one of the most memorable and reluctantly missed.

As for my personal experience with uni life, I have inadvertently learnt and strengthened life lessons. I have made wonderful friendships (I must admit, I never had this many girlfriends!) which I hope will last for as long as I hope it would. 

On a rather amusing note, pops was right when before I had started my uni life, he said when I'm in uni, I'll have a boyfriend. Uncannily, I do and the best one ever ;)

But I think one of the best things I've realized is to be able to take a step back and look at how much you've grown (in your thinking, not your bones) through all the experiences uni had to offer/force. I found myself still acting not quite as matured as I would have liked in my first few semesters of uni and now I can see all the other measures that I could have taken if I had put a little bit more maturity in them. Ah well.

I do believe I have grown up quite a bit in the past three years.

And so many memorable events had taken place which I don't think I could ever forget.

So my dear friends, whether you're off to do your Masters, or get married, or fly off to some exotic country to travel or study, or jump right into the rat race, I wish you good luck and I hope we'll keep in touch for as long as we can ;)

Oh, and I want to be invited to ALL your weddings!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

I've been chatting with you since January 13, 2005 and I have to say, Congratulations on completing your studies!! What a fantastic time in your life. Life can be confusing, and as we move from one phase to another, remember to always be true to yourself. Although you have completed this portion of your life, I promise you, you will have many more challenges ahead. Remember who YOU are and who YOU want to be. Being right isn't always enough, and as you go through life, remember that! You have so much to look forward to, and I pray that you know that you will always remember me and the friendship that we've fostered. I only wish the best for you, and am so happy to see how much you've grown over the years. I know you will be successful in life, and hope you find happiness as you continue through this crazy thing we call life!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue
How time fly,we remember sending Jul to uni in 2005 and its seem a short while ago.You have been a great friend of her and we take this opportunity to thanks you from the bottom of our heart for all the care,help and whatsoever all this past years. We also wish to thanks your family for the shelter,the great food, all the quality and enjoyable time shared.Once again a Big Thanks.
Best of luck to class of 2008.Keep in touch and blogging.

Sue Ling said...

Thank you for the kind words and advice, Mark, I'll certainly take heed of them. I haven't seen you around in ages and I'm glad you still drop by--at least I know that you're still alive! ;)

Anon - Jules' mum ah? LOL! Auntie, it's been a pleasure knowing your family and Jules and I've had many wonderful and life teaching experiences with her as my lovely friend and I hope that we will all be in touch for many years to come. Once again, thank you for being so accomodating when I visited TWICE haha! Also, thank you for leaving a comment--which means you DEFINITELY read my post about your cookies!! Heheh!

xoxo, Sue.