Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Give me another stomach

Now Playing : "Wilted Flower" - Maximilian Hecker

Life is ironic. Especially when it comes to food. 

I go to a buffet, get blinded by all the ridiculously good looking dishes and eat and eat and eat. And eat. I want to try everything that looks good! Secretly pray for supposedly-shrinking-stomach-after-7-months-of-dieting to scream NO MORE FOOD so that I'll stop. But stomach stays disobediently silent. I continue to eat.

Today, been moderately good. Overate slightly at Nando's so made up for it by having just pumpkin soup for dinner. Stomach feels slightly full. Er, OK. Liquids, makes sense. Five hours after dinner's digested, I have Mickey Dees' plain ice cream sundae.

Now can't bloody breathe from being too bloody full!!

Someone loves playing tricks on me.

I ought to get one of these. (Don't click, if you're squeamish...this means you, Su Lyn)


Anonymous said...

sampat, purposely say that so that i'd click! anyway, it doesn't beat you-know-who's.

Anonymous said...

I really don't kn ow how to leave a comment here. so if there's 5 same comment by me, don't kill me:

ewwwee.. sue, u want to get this???
now, allow me b think like a cartoon character:

"If sue gets this in future...does it means, she could deliver her baby this way too??!!"

I should be doing my portuguese travelling brochure, but out of boredom, I'm here :P

Sue Ling said...

Hahaha well Su Lyn, I *did* warn you! But you're right, not as bad as the other one. Er...did you click? :P

Is that you Min En? LOL well at first I was thinking how nice it would be if I did have that so if I felt full I could just scoop out all the food wahahaha!! But now that you brought *that* up...EVEN BETTER!! No need to go through childbirth LOOOOOL!!!

Good luck with that brochure ;)