Thursday, April 17, 2008

Going to University Doesn't Equate to Being Smarter

Now Playing : "To Be Surprised" - Sondre Lerche


I can't believe the nerve of some people! 

So today it was raining, right? I had rushed over to meet Dr.Mahmud (my supervisor) to *finally* hand in my research paper. It was pouring ridiculously heavy and so I had taken my trusty so-large-it-could-be-a-canopy umbrella so that my prized work would not get soaked. (Actually, I had it stuffed under my shirt where it probably had its one and only somewhat 18SX encounter).

Anyway, I left the umbrella outside of Dr.M's office to dry and I went inside. 15 minutes later I hear the umbrella had dropped to the floor so I figured, I better pick it up. I went outside and WHAT DO I FIND?! Someone had bloody switched my umbrella with a tiny dirty looking umbrella!!! The nerve!! Hello, we're not in the bloody bartering system anymore I WANT MY LARGE UMBRELLA BACK YOU STUPID RETARDO!!!!

Ugh. Why even BOTHER leaving me an umbrella--as if it'll do stealing my umbrella any justice?! Wrong time to get a conscience, you stupid nincompoop! 


Even though it's really just an umbrella but the whole notion of being robbed at the least unexpected place with the least unexpected thing with the least unexpected educated kind of people makes my blood BOIL

I'm taking my voodoo doll and poxing the hell out of you. -_-


Anonymous said...

@#&^$#&*!!! i feel your wrath.

let's channel some bad aura to the bugger. like having anal incontinence. or extreme constipation.

Sue Ling said...

And that's being kind!!! *fume*

Anonymous said...

such thing happened in uni? or faculty?
especially outside Dr M's room?

Perhaps that person thought that was Dr M's umbrella, & left the old 1 for him to walk back to 9th college area...

a prank went to the wrong person i guess...

min en still doesn't know how to leave a comment here