Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Now Playing : "Inconsolable" - Backstreet Boys


That is the exact word to describe my enthusiasm for these guys.

After all these years of being a truly devoted fan (almost 12 years now), the Backstreet Boys has never served up one single disappointment and their newest album, Unbreakable reminds us that while there are (more) hugely successful pop acts out there right now dominating the airwaves (Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears ring a bell?) the now-quartet are the true kings of Pop. With strong and distinguishable vocals, BSB truly stands out from the sea of mostly-now-defunct boy bands and they always deliver to their inconsolable fans. 

For me, the Backstreet Boys are synonymous with my childhood and teen years. Here are just some of my life connected to them;
  1. The very first CD I ever owned was their very first album, Backstreet Boys
  2. The very first male celebrity I had a major crush on for my entire teenage years was Nick Carter. 
  3. 99% of pin-ups and posters that used to be blue-tacked on my wall were of the BSB. 
  4. I wrote fan fiction with them in it. 
  5. I wrote fan mail to them. 
  6. I continued to buy all their albums--original, naturally. 
  7. I bought every magazine with even the tiniest article in them--heck, I bought magazines which had pictures of them in it. 
  8. I cut out newspaper articles of them.
  9. I cried FURIOUSLY when their only concert here was cancelled. 
  10. My then best friend, Estu and I listened religiously to their CDs to make sure we memorized each Backstreet Boy's voices.
  11. I collected all their concerts on video tapes.
  12. I waited each week for the Billboard Top 100 tv show just to record their music videos.
  13. I definitely memorized all the lyrics.
  14. I listened to the entire Rick Dees' Top 40 just to find out if they hit top ten.
  15. The CD shop is my first destination whenever news of a new album comes out.
  16. I will never ever buy pirated Backstreet Boys albums.
  17. Rejoiced like no tomorrow when Millennium became the fastest selling record of the 90s and they won like, a million awards.
Backstreet Boys, don't ever break-up because you are one of God's gifts to good music. 

Backstreet Boys (with Kevin R.)

Backstreet Boys (now w/o Kevin R.)


~JL said...

You go gal! LOL!

Sue Ling said...

LMAO uh thanks! :))

Anonymous said...

Can you say "Stalker" :)) Just kidding Sue, I'm glad they make you happy, I wish there were more acts that could do that for more people.


Sue Ling said...

Mark, actually I do think there are plenty of acts who do, just depends on what the person likes I guess.

Yeah okok, no need to call me stalker but maybe I admit I might have been a wee bit obsessive. HAHAHA!