Monday, November 5, 2007


Now Playing : "Barracuda" - Heart

I finally got myself Apple's new Mac OS X Leopard with an extra 1GB RAM and a 250GB external hard drive to boot! I got my hands on them over the weekend and have been meddling with them ever since! Leopard is pretty spankin' cool overall, but I was kind of disappointed to discover that some features I commonly use have been taken away as well. Boo! One of its new feature, Time Machine allowed me to back up my entire hard drive--a milestone in my non-backing up habits ever since I acquired my Powerbook! Heh! Unfortunately, it's not without flaw because it over back ups and therefore it keeps eating up all the valuable space off my external HD bah! Speaking of valuable, the whole combo didn't come kindly to my pockets because the grand total spent to acquire all the above came to RM1114! 

But you's all so worth it. *grins*

My Mac OS X Leopard

250GB worth of extra space!! Woot!
(And yes, I named it Massey :P)


Anonymous said...

Now that is one sweet computer!!! Lucky you. If you are getting automatic backups that aren't updating only what has changed, you just need to tweak your settings. 250GB is more than enough space to do incremental backups after an initial full backup. I'm glad to see you are still on the cutting edge of technology, and to be honest... I'm so jealous :)) :))


Sue Ling said...

LOL yeah I tried tweaking my settings (or whatever so-called settings were available) and had no luck! In the end, after having to go through some major headaches, I just gave up on the back-up idea and just did it manually. At least whatever I really want to protect is protected. :D

And my dear, 250GB is NOTHING! I want 1T!! :P