Friday, November 9, 2007


Now Playing : "Cannonball" - Damien Rice

Family, as much as you love them, is the biggest threat to one's diet. The last time I posted here, I reported that I've lost 7 pounds. Then that number increased to 11 pounds. 

But that was more than a week ago!

I blame it on my mother's sinfully delicious cooking. Everything she cooks is so good and worse, so addictive that once I pop, I can't stop! Before you know it, you've gone over quota. Yiiiiikes!

I haven't really been able to follow my diet regime properly (or at all) this week and so I thought today I'd steer clear of food and the kitchen--you know, just to make up for lost time.

Two words : Wishful thinking.

My mum decided to make maki sushi today. MAKI SUSHI!! Her delicious maki sushi which she hasn't made in at least two years! Today! I know sushi is healthy and low-fat and definitely better than anything else I could consume while on a diet but as I said, the popping-into-mouth never stops. And with the maki sushi alone today, I highly suspect I went over my quota again! Plus, of course, you know that these rolls have Japanese mayo and ebiko which makes up a higher fat content along with the high carb content.


But the maki sushi was excellent. One was a california roll maki and the other an unagi maki. *gasp* My mouth waters at the very thought of it!


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are making my mouth water too!! I wish you'd have published some pics so we could all get a look and see that which you describe so tantalizingly!! I could eat sushi all day too..... Thanks for the invite ;)


Sue Ling said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to take pics :-s Maybe the next time she makes it--when she makes it, I'll remember to take some!

I know, sushi is in my top 5 too whee!