Thursday, November 22, 2007

The A/C With A Mind of Its Own

Now Playing : "Cash Machine" - Hard-Fi

I don't get my air-conditioner. Seriously. 

One moment it's freezing like the Arctic, the next it's sweltering like the Sahara. It's been *repaired* numerous and countless times and yet it's still toying with us. Many times I feel like yelling at it...

"Hey buddy, if I wanted a heater
I'd get one--in Greenland!"

And it's not just the sweating that I hate when my a/c decides to switch personalities to becoming a heater, but I fear for all the electronics in the room which does seem to become hotter than usual. I don't need a multiple personality disorder a/c!

Yes yes, I know what you would say. Buy a new a/c! I can tell you veeeery honestly that yes, I wish I could but who would give me--willingly--a thousand bucks for a new a/c? I don't have that kind of money or else I most certainly would chuck this defective a/c out the window. 

And now my laptop is overheating. *Sigh*

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