Thursday, November 29, 2007


My new temporary dragon tat

Now Playing : "Feels Like Home" - Newton Faulkner

While on my way to the place I'm going to discuss later on *smirk*, I was in the LRT minding my own business when four teenage girls came on board and stood next to me. They talked and laughed really loudly and even sat on the floor, which kind of irritated me but it's not really something you'd pull your AK-47 out at. Then, as the journey progressed, one of the girls let go of the metal pole and proceeded to take out her nail polish and paint her nails. While standing-cum-balancing in the mega shaky train. I watched. 

The she spilled the bottle of nail polish on to her shirt. Screams of "FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" whilst frantically trying to wipe off the polish from her shirt erupted in the train. I smirked for the rest of the journey. I'm cruel, I know.

Anyway, I was out with the family today at KLCC and if you might recall, I have been to Aquaria at least four times--three times more often than any Malaysian should go since the attractions there don't always change and that it costs a bomb to enter--and yes, you guessed it, today I visited the aquarium again since Ian craved to see some fish.

First of all, let me tell you that I was surprised during this visit. Notice I didn't say pleasantly. First off, my mother had a pet peeve that no one was manning the touch pool and with sharks--albeit non-dangerous bamboo sharks. I'd hate to see the end result of children poking endlessly at them.

Secondly, it was quite obvious that Aquaria's fish stock has noticeably diminished. In the tunnel thingy, we spotted only three sharks and two stingrays. Even the other schools of fish seemed to be missing quite a few members. Also, all the baby turtles were missing.

Very, very odd. 

We couldn't figure it out and kept drawing possible conclusions, one of which was perhaps the fish here got poisoned too! Then, it hit us. The most likely reason would be that Aquaria transferred some (or like half) of its fish stock (sounding like a menu now) to the sabo-ed Langkawi aquarium. We wallowed in our genius. Anyone want to hop over to Langkawi's aquarium to check?

The trip wasn't too bad in any case, since two mini mini mini displays of jellyfish were put up, including some non-aquatic animals like an owl, a giant squirrel, a bearcat, leopard cat and a civet. Do they even live near an ocean?

Also, we got temporary tattoos! Ian got a Pikachu, June had two tats which I can't really remember its design and I got a dragon on my left arm! So normally I wouldn't go for dragons and stuff like that--it's more of what Jules would probably get--but as soon as I saw this I liked it.

And you know what they say about love at first sight...

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