Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rise of Nations

Tonight's event will truly be forever and ever etched into my memory. Why?

Because I BEAT Ian in Rise of Nations!!

It was a four hour battle and over four thousand clicks between us, but in the end the soreness of our fingers and our aching backs were totally worth the time spent. And to think, that I learned how to play this game only yesterday--although I did spend 6 hours familiarizing myself with it last night hehe!

LOL I guess at this point in time I really am one of those people with too much time on my hands! But being a person who isn't really interested in computer games, this game is very interesting and had captured my attention from the moment I saw Phil playing it. Now that I've played--and won--this game, I think I'm hooked for life! 

Before you hand me a snide remark saying that it's no big deal, Ian's only 9 years old...that's true, he really is just 9 years old but he's the (obsessive) gamer in the family and he's a really smart kid especially when it comes to games and to beat him--well, let's just say I'll be bragging to him about it for awhile! *wink*

Ahh...I shall sleep tonight (or what's left of tonight, since the battle ended at 4am) with a huge grin on my face. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


~JL said...

Cool! Now dare you take me on?

Sue Ling said...


Uh no....but, do I have a choice anyway? :P

~JL said...

LOL! Your call! ;) :P I haven't played RON yet so I might not win since you have a head start! ROFL! (And I don't have much of a strategy anyway! ROFL!)