Saturday, June 30, 2007

"They All Float!!"

The dude responsible for the children of my generation's morbid fear of clowns.

Stephen King rocks.

And obviously, so does Tim Curry.

"Say Hello To The iPhone"

(Not an iPhone review, folks)

Now Playing : "I Like The Way You Move" - Bodyrockers

...and "Say Goodbye To Your Wallet"--that is, if Sue were to buy an iPhone--which, was released on Friday. The iPhone looks so good; Sue really wants one! Sue's small hands itches for one! Sue yearns for one! Sue figures if she ever sees a non-Mac fan have one before she does, she will go bonkers. Alas, Sue knows that buying an iPhone will be in vain because it won't work to its full potential with the limited services in Malaysia. Sue also knows that even if they did, she won't be able to buy one anyway because Sue knows it will be more expensive than expensive when it is sold here. 

Sue will have to settle for something less, which deep down she knows would probably be better than the iPhone. *gasp!!* BLASPHEMY TO MAC-FANDOM!

Sue will settle for this! :P

Caviar Burger

Now Playing : "O Sole Mio" - Luciano Pavarotti

First there was the most expensive sandwich in the world. And of course, people are known to put just about anything between the two layers of carbs. What will they come up with next?? The answer : A Caviar Burger.

While this concoction would be a (very rich) caviar lover's dream meal, it really does seem strange! Such a blatant merging of two worlds--the expensive caviar and the everyday burger! Being a caviar lover myself, I would definitely try this if my wallet would allow it!

Let's see. Judging from the picture, a rough estimated cost of making one would be;
  1. Burger buns - less than RM3
  2. An ounce of salmon roe x 5 - RM39.90 x 5 = RM199.50
  3. An ounce of sturgeon caviar x 4 - RM60 x 4 = RM240
Total : RM442.50!!!

*Ouch!* I doubt I'll be making that anytime soon as I'm already so bwoke! I wonder if anyone has actually tried making one of these after seeing this picture. The closest I'll come to an expensive sandwich is my smoked salmon ciabatta. Mmmmmmm!

Friday, June 29, 2007

If I Had A PostSecret Postcard

Sometimes it hurts when you say you are too lazy to see or talk to me. So I tell myself that you are just too tired to spend some time with me and find people to fill the void...and I end up hurting them.

Freaky Utensils

Now Playing : "Hover" - Trust Company

Magic! Wonder! UFO!

Actually, it's most probably some freak static thing but look how cool that is with Jules holding the knife which is stuck to the fork even after being lifted up into the air at a considerable height!

Spice Girls reuniting for world tour

Now Playing : "The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore" - James Morrison

Okokokokok I admit; I'm a Spice Girls fan.

Or at least, I was.

So naturally, when I read that the girls had reunited and were planning a World Tour, I felt a twinge of excitement and hope they'll come here to perform (since they never did when they were the best thing to men since sliced bread). Alas, we Malaysians never have any luck with concerts. This time, SG are snubbing even Singapore!

This is how the girls look like now. Except for left and right, they're a little prudish for a SG if you ask me.

This is how I prefer to remember them ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Here Not Be Spoilers!

Now Playing : "Starlight" - Muse

"I hope they make a sequel!!!"

That's what I had quipped to Jules the very second Transformers ended. Our eyes were still glistening from the awesomeness of the movie. It was one of the most exhilirating movies I have ever seen; not a single boring moment--just full-on-blood-pumping-adrenaline-rushing movie!! Also, I point out its very uncheesy comedy that just compliments all the cool effects in the movie! To make things even more giddily exciting, today is the movie's opening day as well! Can you imagine the impossibility of getting great seats (or any seats for that matter) on days like these??! All Transformers fans listen up!! This movie will not be a waste of your RM11!

Also, what she said!! ---- > Incoherent ramblings.


Fast-food firms get more time over content display

Now Playing : "Run" - Snow Patrol

(Point your rat over the title, it'll take you to a desired location)

It seems that no sooner after I had just blogged a food post, here I am typing up another food post--but hey, when inspiration hits, you do what you gotta do; blog.

First off, *clapclap* to the government for doing something about curbing the growing obesity problem among Malaysians. Secondly, *BOO* to them for putting all the blame on all-things-foreign again--this time--fast food chains. Before you smack me, I agree that Mickey Dees, KFC, A&W and all the others contain like a bajillion calories but they are not the only culprits to people getting fatter and someone should smack some VIP for exonerating local fares from this problem.

Of courselah, I'm talking about all those mamak stores and coffee shops which also serve dishes that contain a bajillion calories!! If they want to protect the interests of local fares, that's fine, but come on lah, who are they really kidding?? The masses should have the right to know what's in our local fare as well--MORE SO since it's local and presumably we eat it more often. Let the people know that while Mickey's Filet-O-Fish has about 600 calories, our favorite char koey teow also has about 600 calories! Don't even get me started on chinese fried rice and worse, mamak food which can be found dripping in oil and swimming in fatty coconut milk. Fast food contains more preservatives you argue? Is fresh food swimming in oil or coconut milk any better?

Ask a non-thin person how they got so fat and more often than not, their first immediate answer would be "too much mamaking, of course!" See what I'm saying? Even if they do just go for drinks, how is Coke better when our teh tarik or ais milo are so thick, you might as well be drinking the powder. Heaping spoonfuls of condensed milk? Bring it on.

While I'm not trying to portray myself as a fast food advocate nor am I going to pull a "Fast Food Nation" stunt, I do think the government should require our favorite mamak hangouts and coffee shops to display the nutritional content of their fares.

I mean, y'know, if you truly want to curb this obesity thing...

Cluck Cluck!

Now Playing : "What Is Your Secret" - Nada Surf

Damn, this Avian Flu scare is a pain in the tush! It makes people sick, it causes people to die, but most importantly...


That goes for all kinds of poultry too--ducks, geese, anything with a beak and feathers! Aduii, I tell you ah, so menyampah! Nevermind that chicken is the staple meat for everyone (at least everyone I know and sorrylah fishermen; you tak fit) long must we chicken-deprived people have to wait until the government announces that Elvis has left the building?? I know I'm not the only person who feels that if they eat another helping of fish, pork, lamb or beef again, they'll start running in Mr.Fox's footsteps (Roald Dahl fans; chu know wut I'm talkin' 'bout!) and start raiding some chicken farms! But then again, if them chicken farms contain H15N virus then susah.

Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease M'sian government, faster declare so that Jules and I can finally bite into some yummy Nando's and KFC and Hainanese chicken rice and Syed's friggin' good mamak ayam goreng! Heck, we'll take Chicken McNuggets! As long it's chicken.........!

Want to curi pergi makan Nando's also tak boleh. Come home only, "What did you eat for lunch??" gets thrown at muka. Diiiieee...!

Cannot tipu.

Funnies - TMNT

Oi Jules and Darren, when I saw this funny pic (thanks James!) I immediately thought you two might like it--considering your *apparent* obsession with TMNT and art! *wink* Oh and Darren, since you actually took a History of Arts class, you'd probably appreciate this funny even more!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Everything You've Never

Now Playing : "Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning)" - Vertical Horizon

It's no secret--sometimes life can get pretty mundane and clockwork-like. Then you start making lists like the oh-so-ever-popular "Top 10 Things You Must Do/See/Eat Before You Die" and the million others that spawn from it. If you're lucky enough, you'd get to accomplish all 10--heck even 5 would be an accomplishment, especially if you put extremely hard to reach entries in your list. In a recent chat, a friend had asked...

"What's on your list?"

I knew I had some, but I've never really put a list together. It prompted me to think about it and compile the lot into a list which I've christened it as "The List of Everything I've Always Wanted To Do But Never Got The Chance To". Mega long name I know, but it fits like a glove! Also, it's not a Top 10 because any one of them can occur first--as long it happens!

  • Have a late night picnic on top of a hill overlooking an entire city
  • Win first prize in a competition (only came in second >_<)
  • Swim with killer whales
  • Romantic slow dance on a dock with a portable radio playing
  • Hug a cute pink piglet
  • Eat a live mini octopus (blame Anthony Bourdain!)
  • Go on a short trip aboard a small yacht with my one and only
  • Backpack thru North America on a food trip
  • Have a berry fight
  • Go skinny dipping at night
  • Do more than just swim in a pool *wink*
  • Win the lottery
  • Visit all the theme parks in the world
  • Night time frolicking on a quiet beach at night
  • Make full use of an airplane bathroom *ahem!*

That's about all I can recall, will add more to it if more comes back to me! I'm sensing somewhat of a deja vu, since I think I may have posted something similiar to this on my old blog. One thing's for sure, from that list I'm pretty sure you have deduced that I'm craving some excitement in my life.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit found dead at home

And to think, I actually rooted for this guy during my WWE fandom heyday at 13-14 years old. 


From There To Here

Now Playing : "Waltz No.7 in C Sharp Minor" - Frederic Chopin

Oi friends, the emergence of this blog pretty much sums up my decision to abandon my first (and as soon as this is typed, defunct) blog over at Yahoo!360°. However, I will ensure that it would not get magically deleted so if you should so feel like it, you would still be able to journey back to access the archived posts there. Things will not change despite this move; I will still continue onwards with my Pardonnez series and all the other weird things you've seen me ramble about. *wink* 

Obviously, I had wanted to make a better impression in this first post in this new blog, but having not slept since 12:30am (working with html is a bitch), I'm about to have an aneurysm. Toodles!

P.S : You can navigate to my Yahoo!360° blog via clicking on the title or via the sidebar link.