Monday, September 15, 2008

Mooncake Festival

My family and I had a wonderful time celebrating the Mooncake Festival today. We spent quality time having a scrumptious dinner and playing with lanterns after. Here are some pictures from today's celebrations.

A Mooncake 
(the egg yolk inside represents the moon)

Mummy dearest prepared a wonderful dinner for the family and surprisingly, it wasn't Chinese! We had fantastic bacon wrapped chicken, bbq'd lamb chops, potato salad and a broccoli-cauliflower cheesebake!

People were begging for scraps while the lamb chops were being cooked outback!

We hung colorful paper lanterns all over the porch and patio, adding to the mood of the festival. On the floor is Ian's squirrel glass paper lantern.

Almost no tree or plant were spared of decoration! The view from our patio was very nice with all the lanterns hung around.

Mummy dearest fixing up a plant with lanterns

Ian was happiest playing with his lanterns and sparklers!

It's become tradition for us kids to encrust the porch floors melted wax from playing with candles. Here's June burning some away!

Candles await their infinite doom...

Here's wishing you a Happy Mooncake Festival!


Anonymous said...

Sue, Looks gorgeous. Can you tell me more about the holiday? It looks like something I'd be interested in checking out.


Sue Ling said...

Hehe sure, you can read all about it on Wikipedia! They've got an extensive commentary about it :D