Thursday, September 18, 2008


Let me tell you about my shopping spree today. I haven't had one in a looong time (my recent trip to Florida doesn't count, since I spent more on other people than on myself) and yes, shopping sprees feel GOOD...despite the pinch I'm going to feel for the rest of this month. When it comes to shopping for things whether planned or not, I like to mull my potential purchases over and over especially with higher priced items. Today's shopping was out of necessity as I needed to get something formal for a wedding I'm attending soon and something for a certainly chilly trip at the end of the year. Here's pictures of my most expensive and cheapest purchases today. (Oh and if you're wondering where is the dress for the wedding, my stupid camera made it look like it was taken from Wednesday Adams' wardrobe)

A windbreaker from Zara for an ouchy RM264
(yes, that is faux fur and totally detachable)

Forever 21 hair clips for only ... RM8!!
I love discounts!


Anonymous said...

haha, for a moment i thought the numbers 21 were the hairclips! :D

where you going end of the year? such a world traveller...

Sue Ling said...

haha not a world traveller lah, there's still many, many places i haven't been to ;)

will be going to italy in december for a romantic christmas getaway :P totally excited!!

Anonymous said...

hoho, better brush up your italian! i'm jealous, i want to eat pasta every day not 'cos i want to but 'cos i have to, haha.

send me a hot italiano from there. :P or a postcard, whichever is cheaper, haha.