Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Meet Pryce

To the little handful of people who helped me decide between the Nokia E71 and a Blackberry Bold, thank you so much for your advice because once I had my new (and first) and sexay smartphone in my possession, I AM TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH IT!!

And yes, I named it. You knew I would ;)

Soooo...with Pryce's unveiling, here was my Monday in extremely limited pictures!!

The hot n' gorgeous new man in my life ;)

Sigh...so many books to mark on a table so neat and tidy...:P

Testing out Pryce's macro function on Mickey in my car
(No, I was not driving while I took it!)

My somewhat healthy yet pathetic lunch :(


~JL said...

Cooooooool.... Wow... Your desk is freaking tidy... You should look at my cubicle! ROFL!

Sue Ling said...

Hahaha then it's time you grace your blog with a picture of your cubicle!! :D