Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fishy situation

The thermos ;)

Now Playing : "Autumn Leaves" - Oscar Peterson Trio

I am starving. Like, really, really starving. If my stomach could speak, it would be screaming in agony right about now.

It's almost 6pm and I've only had an insane 155 calories today. How could this happen?

My lunch did it.

I bet your eyes bulged. It's quite a funny story too, although at the expense of my stomach. You see, last night I made a broth with sutchi catfish, onion and carrots to bring to class today for my low calorie lunch. I was really excited because I don't think I've ever made something and then brought it to class to eat.

Then 12pm came and I took out my thermos where I've plunked in my fish and soup. I was already famished so I pressed the nozzle open and poured out a little on a spoon to drink. Mmmmm....! My stomach, now aware that I was going to finally give it food, started to ring the alarms. Feed me! Feed me!

I twisted. I turned. I twisted and turned. Clockwise. Anti-clockwise. Clockwise again. Twist. Turn. Twist. Ouch, my hands! 

The darn thing wouldn't open! I tried to open my thermos for a continuous staggering 1 hour 15 minutes until finally, with my stomach still begging to be fed, stopped and gave up. My hands were extremely sore and I could neither twist nor turn it any longer.

I had to give up all hope on eating the yummy fish pieces inside and had to settle for just drinking the soup...which ended up being barely sufficient since there was only an exact calculated portion of 245ml of soup in there.

I think I would have died of starvation if I had decided to skip breakfast that morning. Heck, breakfast didn't even suffice. One piece of toast and light Laughing Cow cheese spread barely held me up until noon.

So now it's 6pm, and all I've had is one measly piece of toast, a Laughing Cow wedge and 245ml of fish broth. Sigh.

Although I hate starving like this, the one and only consolation that all this chose to happen today was the day of the Brazilian buffet dinner that I'm most likely going to eat a lot of in approximately two hours. 

After all, what better way than to splurge my remaining 900++ calories on? :P

Food, bring it on!

My poor sore hand!

Update : I just came back from the Churrascaria and needless to say, I ate a day's worth of calories in dinner alone. :|

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