Saturday, February 2, 2008

Achin' and hurtin' from gymmin'

Now Playing : "Piano Concerto No.9" - W.A Mozart

Well folks, the title says it all. My body is sore but I'm told I'll have to do more.

OMG. That totally rhymed! XD

Today was my first gym workout in 6 years. Needless to say that absence totally took a toll on my body and now I am aching and hurting all over, especially my legs! I can barely climb down from bed or the stairs and when I walk I swear my shaky and wiggly legs would probably make people think that I'm purposely walking to make my butt wiggle :|

Tomorrow morning, I'll have to go again--this time with June and Fred. Well, that is, I plan to go if my body isn't still screaming NO NO NO!!! Taking the gym classes are OK, but what I enjoy the most is going on the weight machines. Oooh, I could do them for a long time and actually enjoy it!

I'm really tired, but I won't be sleeping yet because I'm too hyped up and now I want to go make a workout playlist for my iPod. God, are these signs of becoming a gym junkie?

1 comment:

~JL said...

You want the long answer or the short answer? LOL!

Basically... YES!