Friday, February 29, 2008

Post BSB symptoms

Now Playing : "That's All Changed Forever" - Embrace

I'm still giddy as heck from the aweeeesome Backstreet Boys concert two days ago. Not only do I have memories, pictures and videos to remind me about the best concert ever, my throat has become quite sore from all the screaming and off key singing that I did while at the concert. At least I still have my voice ;) to sing along the neverending looping BSB playlist in my car. Aside from that, my calves hurt like crap from the non-stop jumping, hopping and dancing that my body did involuntarily at the concert. Had to postpone a PT session today because I would simply die in agony if I were to force myself to hop on any machine at the gym. 

Seeing Nick Carter in person has also ignited my passion for writing (ahem! I'm not telling you why!) , which I have not done in over three years because of one very good reason ;). What a time to rekindle my love for writing, since I have until Monday to finish a 6000 research paper that I've been putting off for much too long. Still got another 4000 words to go, bleh! 

But yes, once my paper is written and other assignments tackled, I'm jumping right back into writing!

That's all for now, back to depending on adrenaline rush to finish a paper. :(

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

lol.. u have pretty good pictures also.. :)