Saturday, February 16, 2008

Kitchen Misadventures


Now Playing : "The Nutcracker Suite" - P.I Tchaikovsky

Well, I did make the parfaits. And I did cook dinner for three prior to that.

Did they taste good? On the whole, I thought they did.

But there were conflicting opinions. 

And as for how they looked...

the parfaits were unanimously agreed that they looked utterly ugly.

But you know, it's okay. It was my first time cooking something like that or doing something kitchen-major and everything was edible, just not as good as I thought they would turn out to be. My salmon were kinda overcooked, my veggies were quite tasteless and had too much pepper, the mussels were a no brainer to cook so that was just fine and my parfaits...sigh...if only they came out looking as pretty as the picture which was included with the recipe.

I was quite disappointed at first, especially since I spent something like three hours in the kitchen making dinner and dessert as a Valentine's Day gift to everyone. I suppose if it's anything, the only consolation is that the food tasted better than it looked. *sweat!*

Still, despite this not so sweet (pun!!!) experience, I was glad to hear my mum offer to take a look at the recipe and help modify them for me plus planning one day in the future to re-do these dishes to see what went wrong. I felt that was awfully nice of her. 

I'm already dreaming up recipes in my head. Next dish I'm going to tackle is teriyaki pan fried salmon slices!! Shouldn't be too hard, methinks.

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