Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year to my dear friends!!
To those celebrating I hope yours is just as merry as mine and are surrounded by family, friends and great food! Below are some pictures from tonight's reunion dinner, more to come from tomorrow's luncheon!!

Enough (awesomely delicious) food to feed an army

Lo!! My favorite part of Chinese New Year--Yee Sang!!

People posing for the camera while *I* dig into some yee sang (mmm)

Always present at our home during CNY are fortune cookies!

Normally inaccurate, this year my fortune is sooooo apt!

Cornflake cookies : Once you pop, you can't stop! (And I haven't!) :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! That's a feast.

Hope you had a Happy Chinese New Year!