Sunday, February 17, 2008


Now Playing : "Citizen Erased" - Muse

I'll try my best to not make this post another rant about dieting. 

If I had a list of restaurants that I should never go to again, Chili's would be on top of it. Then again, I really should have that list by now and after rethinking it, Chili's wouldn't be number one because TGIF, Italiannies and the Brazilian churrascaria in Damansara Jaya would be top three because they don't have a low fat option unlike Chili's. But then again, Chili's perhaps could be number one on my list because it was the most frequent place I would visit once upon a time.

Once upon a time. That really wasn't long ago, in reality...but I am very, very glad that I am able to say "once upon a time" now because you see, tonight while dining at Chili's, I had a sudden realization that Chili's is not only bad for people who are trying to lose weight, but for people in general, regardless if they have health problems or not.

I don't think I need to mention how this restaurant is bad for people trying to keep a low-fat diet (noun and verb). Eating at this place will put some serious strain on people's organs because of tremendous amount of salt in their dishes! For example, Ian had a fajita beef quesadillas dish and again while I'm trying to overlook the fact that it has 1900 calories and 99 grams of fat, 5000 grams of sodium is just too much even for a skinny person. I just can't imagine all the strain people's hearts and kidneys go into overtime processing all the salt, desperately holding on to whatever water the body has to make sure the excess salt don't make our bodies dry up. I'm not even going to start about cholesterol.

Of course one can argue that health conscious people and people with health problems should not eat at places like these and I absolutely agree. Then again, despite knowing that some people can afford (health-wise) to eat at places like Chili's and the like, I just think that people ought to stay away from places like these for the sake of health because it just downright isn't all. Not fat wise, not sodium wise, not cholesterol wise and certainly not calorie wise.

I'm glad to be able to take a step back and reflect the fact that I used to be a frequent patron of such a place and now appalled at how much damage I was doing to myself. If only I knew better at that time, I wonder if I would have frequented the place less. I honestly wouldn't go back because I have a chock-full of information just how unhealthy Chili's is...not just for my sake, but I would not want to feed my family such garbage. I still don't regard myself as a health freak since I do still like certain indulgences, but some things are too damaging to be eaten. 

If you want a comparison, even fast food is healthier than Chili's. Unbelievable, but what doesn't surprise us these days?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so right.

My guy loves Chili's and we'll head there at least once a week. Have been trying all the supposed healthier items on their menu (fish, salads) but in the end they're still caloric bombs. Over 1,000 calories with high fat, sodium and whatever else. For one meal!

Nowadays I get the grilled chicken salad, with no croutons and no cheese with the dressing on the side. Hopefully it's not so bad but I still feel semi-guilty anyways.