Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Huffin' and Puffin'

Now Playing : "Carmen" - Bizet

Exercise is addictive.

I've always known that, because I've read about it and living with gym junkies, I've seen it first hand.

But what I never imagined it would be happening to me.

You see, I had just set my alarm to 8am for my deliciously class-free Tuesday tomorrow in hopes when it rings in the morning I won't be too lazy or sleepy or both to get my ass to the gym. To do what? The treadmill. Oy. How's this again? I hate the treadmill! But then again, that was before I tried out the elliptical and found out I hated that more than I do with the treadmill. Heh.

But back to what I was going to say. This is highly unusual because a) calling me a morning person is like saying the Chinese invented the fortune cookie and b) who in their right mind sacrifices sleep throughout the morning on days you don't have classes?? 

But here I am, planning to go to gym to specifically jump on the treadmill and possibly ending up reminding myself why I hate treadmills.

Another proof that exercise is addictive; I WAS JUST AT THE GYM TODAY FOR THREE FUH-REAKING HOURS. It doesn't make any sense. I'm tired as heck and my body is screaming "no more!! no more!!", besides the numerous other reasons not to go burn another gazillion calories so soon like no more patrol lah, it's too early in the morning lah, I hate the treadmill lah, nobody's going to go with me lah, etc etc.

Also another uncool reason is that I haven't gotten a sports bra for myself. Did an aerobics-disguised-as-dancing-class today and while I was veeery, uncoordinatedly, trying to follow the insanely fast dance steps, my boobs were doing their own dance. 


Aiseh. I swear all the men in the class were gawking at chest level. Not cool. Plus, my face may be a little offended. And I usually charge.

Eh hello, I'm not that ham sap ok!

Digressing seems to become a habit now. And it's raining. There hasn't been rain for many days....

Oh well...if I do end up sweating it up on a treadmill tomorrow, at least I'll be able to wear that sweet new dress sooner without having to squeeze into a pair of tights and into some fugly sweater to cover them large arms. Ish.


~JL said...

So where were you then? :P I was at Consplant the whole morning until 1pm and I was bored to death but you didn't show! :P

Sue Ling said...

But I don't know how to get to Consplant!