Monday, January 28, 2008

Angel Boo-boo

Now Playing : "Pines of Rome" - Ottorino Respighi

Well folks, I made a big boo-boo today.

I've took up the habit of planning all my meals daily ever since I started my weight loss regimen. Today however, by morning I had planned my breakfast and dinner, but not lunch since that is usually left open because I tend to eat out almost everyday for that meal.

Anyway, as I made my way home from class, my mother had announced that she had made spaghetti marinara. Ooooh! Her marinara sauce is to die for and so I had nicely figured out what would be my lunch today.

As soon as I got home, I logged in the appropriate amount of spaghetti I should have to remain within my limits and then zoomed downstairs to finally eat it. I plonked 250 grams of spaghetti on to my plate and another 250 grams of the homemade marinara sauce. It was a lot of spaghetti, but it would give me about 500+ calories which fit nicely into my planned out menu.

And so, I tucked in.

After I had devoured the entire plate of spaghetti did I only then realize that what I just ate wasn't spaghetti but instead angel hair pasta. Oh no! Sure, it was still pasta but with angel hair pasta you get more pasta for the same volume weight of spaghetti. Uh oh, how much pasta have I eaten?!

I ran upstairs, jumped on to my beloved calorie counting companion and found out that I did in fact not eat 500+ calories of spaghetti but instead 719 calories in angel hair pasta alone!! 

Needless to say, this shot up my calories for the day much, much higher than I would have liked it to. After all, I am aiming to lose that one last pound (for now anyway) which would enable me to have that delectable ban chang kueh and I've only got 9 days left to do it!

It's so funny but mannnn...never again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well if you go over on one day, just shrug it off and look to the next day. It's all about the total calorie deficit for the whole week.

I'm having the same problem with my mom :( Will come home, and she'll cook something amazing. Says I should have some, even a little .. and so I do and don't stick to my diet.

I haven't had pasta in ages. Crave it sooooo much.