Monday, January 14, 2008


Now Playing : "Maria" - Oscar Peterson Trio

Since I've been posting quite a few food and diet related posts of late and since there wasn't really much exciting things going on (save a few), I decided to reverse it and make a post about all the foods that I really, absolutely, do not like! 

Funnily enough, I'm starting off with foods that I thought I'd hate forever but ending up liking them *mwuahahaha!*
  1. Eggplant
  2. Lamb
  3. Oysters (baked and fried)
  4. Unagi
  5. Prawns
  6. Cocktails
  7. Celery (cooked)
  8. Romaine lettuce
  9. Egg whites
  10. Curries
  11. Rice
  12. Strawberry jam
  13. Chicken breast
Now for the foods that I really can not stand to put into my mouth...
  1. Mint (Allergic!)
  2. Room temperature water
  3. Olives
  4. Wine, beer and hard liquor :(
  5. Chillies
  6. Cinnammon
  7. Coconut shavings
  8. Frogs
  9. Cooked fruit and raisins
  10. Freshwater fish
  11. Most fruit especially pineapple, lemons, jackfruit, cherries, peach, apricots, wintermelon and mango
  12. Coffee
  13. Raw oysters
  14. Most veggies especially parsley, bitter gourd, raw iceberg lettuce, large tomatoes, radish, ginger, garlic, raw onions, bell peppers, cucumbers, brussel sprouts, kai lan, bean sprouts, spring onions and beets
  15. Indian desserts and sweets
  16. Super greasy foods (gives me a headache :s)
  17. White chocolate
  18. Nearly all kinds of desserts and sweets (not keen on the sweet stuff but love chocolate!) especially toffee, caramel, turkish delight, jelly beans, frosting, licorice and black forest (eww!), 
  19. Club soda
  20. Fruitcake
  21. Anything with coconut in it
  22. Cottage cheese
  23. Bleu cheese
  24. Sparkling water
  25. Fennel seeds
  26. Really spicy stuff (Don't give me that look, Phil. :P)
  27. Glazed doughnuts
  28. Muffins (except the one at Kenny Rogers and even that I'll just eat the top bits!)
  29. Yam cake
  30. Chocolate with nuts and/or raisins in them :(
  31. The really healthy kind of cereal which taste like cardboard
  32. Jams
  33. Low fat soy milk (ugh!)
  34. Bitter foods (sorry mum, but that Chinese bitter herbal soup you make us drink really gags me!)
  35. Black chicken
  36. Danish pastries with fruit
  37. Cinnamon rolls
  38. Thai pineapple rice
  39. Vanilla root beer
  40. Ratatouille
  41. Ox-tail soup
  42. Most isotonic drinks (save Gatorade and 100Plus)
  43. Canned tea drinks
  44. Salsa on fish steaks (salsa itself is fine though)
  45. Indian lassi and/or yogurt
  46. Popcorn that's not salted
  47. Strawberry soda
  48. Carrot cake
  49. Nasi Briyani
  50. Ice cream on my waffles :(
  51. Durian flavored anything (except durians, of course :P)
  52. Octopus sashimi

Whoa...I never realized I was soooo picky about food until I actually listed them out for the first time!! Kinda makes you wonder how the heckedy-heck did I ever end up being so fat in the first place with a list like that! In any case, if anyone is planning to throw some surprise party for me or is planning to invite me over for dinner--anything of that sort, this list may come in handy *ahem*!


Anonymous said...

i think seeing the list makes people decide NOT to invite you to any dinner parties... muahaha! :P but actually all the dinner parties you're the one doing the inviting anyway.

Unknown said...

You whouldn't come over to Belgium if you don't like Wine, beer and hard liquor :))

We drink that before, during and after every meal :D

Sue Ling said...

LMAO well Andy, I could still go to Belgium, I just don't drink that stuff! After all, it's not like it's a law ... or anything :P

Su Lyn, hahaha I guess you are right! And a good thing too since if I'm doing the inviting, I won't have to worry about coming across any thing I wouldn't eat! Meh...but then again...that means...:O PIGGING OUT!! XD