Thursday, January 17, 2008

Where For Art Thou Dog?

Now Playing : "In This Diary" - The Ataris

I don't want to sound negative and pessimistic but, I still haven't found DeeDee and quite frankly, I don't think we'll ever see her again.

The last time she ran out the gate and got lost we were lucky--she had wandered into a nearby house which was empty at that time. That made her easier to find and to bring her home. Most of all, we--including that dumb dog--were lucky because being trapped in that house, she was safe.

This time, thanks to an inconsiderate neighbor, she's out in the unsafe world again...and this time I highly doubt she got herself trapped in an empty house again. I've covered all the surrounding neighborhoods searching for her multiple times and it's just frustrating how one old-partially deaf-partially blind dog can cover so much distance within the span of two hours (this was the initial search)!

I'll keep on looking, but if I don't ever see the first dog that I've ever owned again, I can only pray that I never see her lying in the middle of the road as roadkill. My heart would just shatter in a million pieces to see my beautiful, kind, old, energetic and loving dog end her long life as an accident.

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