Sunday, May 25, 2008

My Absence in Pictures

Apparently, my absence of producing new posts have been noticeable. So, I've decided to share with you guys what I've been up to the past 18 days in not so many words becauseimtoolazytowriteanessay. Not too many pictures either but hey, they did say one picture = 1000 words. So I'm good. :P

The *main* distraction. 
Was incredibly happy to have Phil spend his break here from the (too much) sun and sand in Afghanistan!

We went to watch Marie Digby perform in person at 1Utama. Too many people were cramped into just one mall, but it was a nice show. Didn't quite expect Phil to buy her album but I'm glad he did because I'm enjoying it *so* much!

Ran into cousin Kelz while at the showcase too! Love the shirt!

Finally went to experience feeding fishies with our feet at the Fish Spa. 
Can't wait to go back for round two!

Met up with D-Man for movies and dinner. Provider of all things funny, as usual ;)

Celebrated a very significant date; my parents' 25th wedding anniversary. Had a wonderful time and ended up being happy to have Phil drag me on to the dance floor. Woot! Had cake.

Us doing what we spent most of the time doing; spending time together (at too many malls too many times). 
18 days sped by too fast, but that only means so will the arrival of August!


Anonymous said...

Fish therapy!!! How was it?? ^^ Still in KL??

Sue Ling said...

It was REALLY awesome! It was so ticklish, everyone couldn't stop laughing to tears XD You should definitely give it a try!

Still in KL--referring to me or the fish spa, eh?