Thursday, May 1, 2008

In Transition

Now Playing : "Green Sleeves" - Mozart

Well, that day has finally arrived. I am done with all the classes and all the exams. A new chapter of life beckons and soon, I'll mold and become yet another drone in society with a job with the sole reason of being able to pay for things; things that I need, things that I want.

But until then, right at this very moment, I do not feel any different despite my university days being over. Perhaps the feeling of no longer being a student hasn't yet quite sunk in or maybe it's due to the fact that the time is not yet right for me to find a job. In all actuality, I still feel like a freakin' student. One that's on yet another long inter semester break.

Because I am still bound to my university. I am still hanging with baited breath for my quite possibly doomed exam results. Let's not forget that graduation is only in August. Then there's the question of *knocks wood* failing exams...bound once more as a student. Whatever it is, everything right now is not official. I can't yet truly mold with the workforce of society. 

In other words, I am still a student.

That puts me in transition. Neither here nor there.

Waiting kills me.

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