Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Update: What's up, Doc?

Now Playing : "Delicate" - Damien Rice

The verdict is in: Google saved me.

130/84. That is my new number and I'm happy with it. I am not biased towards this doctor, but everything he says makes sense. I had intended to go to the clinic where the other doctor works for a blood health test but now after the whole poppycock "170/100 is perfectly fine" episode, I'm reluctant to go back. 

Still, getting it done for free is a huge incentive...

Anyway, long story short, I was given some multivitamins (just to see if vitamin deficiency is the cause of my dizziness) and told to watch how I feel in a couple of days. Other than that, I'm a fine large gal ;)

I know how it looks. But I know what I heard.

1 comment:

~JL said...

What have you heard?