Tuesday, March 4, 2008

1'M |)0N3!!

Now Playing : "Help Is Around The Corner" - Coldplay

If you couldn't figure out what that was, it's actually Leet Speak for "I'm Done!!"

And yes, I really am done!!

Ah, I love it when I can finally sit back and see a finished project after spending endless hours building and perfecting something. What a beaut! Now all that's left is to collect it from printing and hand it in tomorrow.

Then I'll have to immediately jump right back in and get started on the other group projects that have been put off for the sake of the priority set for writing my research paper.

I don't want to jinx my luck, but I sure do hope everything is printed a-ok without any alignment problems because that often happens and it pisses me off to no end. X(

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