Monday, March 3, 2008

Defiant Power Button

Just a screenshot

Now Playing : "Stand Inside Your Love" - Smashing Pumpkins

My middle finger is sore. 

No, you silly pooh! It's not from multiple public displays or anything of that sort. 15 was the number of times I had to press the power button on my Powerbook to get it to start after doing some system updating.

I was really worried it wouldn't start and while desperately trying to get it to turn on, I became panicked at the thought of the possibility that I'll have to bring in the laptop for repairs...which is not good.

Why? My computer has turned defiant during the wrong time--not that there's a good time for it to behave like so. I am 90% done with my research paper, all I need to do is expand on my literature review and list down my references. I can't imagine losing that paper and having to re-do the entire thing all over again because my computer screwed up.

Luckily for me, the moment it turned on I immediately made a back-up copy. Come to think about it, I should have done that ages ago. 

On another note, writing a research paper I feel has drained the creativity of my writing style away from me. This is such a boringly written post. Bah. ;)


Darren said...

The worst things happen in the most critical of times. My advice, back up often. Save often and in multiple formats. Last thing u need is a blowout with your research paper in it.(touchwood)

Sue Ling said...

I do backup often, it's just that I tend to back something up AFTER it's completed. I guess that doesn't make too much sense, hehe! Don't worry, I've got the powaaah with my super cool external HD sleeping next to my laptop ;)

And for the record, thanks for NOT trying to comment on how Apple stuff sucks. They don't suck! :P