Thursday, February 28, 2008

Update: BSB Concert 2008!!

Now Playing : "Back To Your Heart" - Backstreet Boys

Well okay. I know I posted a little something saying I'd update later with pictures just about a second ago, but I'm still very much hyped up from the amazing Backstreet Boys concert that I ended up Photoshopping all the pictures I'd like to share with you immediately anyway!

But first...a minor story of how it went. It was an amazing concert, no doubt about that. Before and after the concert however, was quite a different story. Galaxy, Axcess and Sunway Lagoon did a terrible job at organizing this event because there were multiple frustrations caused among us concert goers such as not having a clear picture of where to line up to go into the concert area and quite a traumatic experience involving people being sardine-canned between escalators and even to a point where people were falling off them. In short, I will never go to another concert Sunway Lagoon holds because their entry and exit points are death traps. I have a good mind to write to The Star tomorrow to tell them how Sunway Lagoon should not be used for holding large scale concerts anymore. 

Other than that, I've never been to a more exciting concert and I've never danced this much in my life before!! What an experience!!

Me in a bikini top that I wore to the concert. It turned out to be an absolutely good decision because...

...we were all forced to endure three rounds of rain, one of which was the heavy-thunder-lightning-cold wind sort. 
Here's how we looked after the terrible rain had subdued.

The rain ruined my tickets. *Sniff*

Hurrah for going barefeet!! We stood in shallow water throughout the concert, making it the first
and quite possibly the only concert we danced and hopped in water.

BSB singing while playing cards

BSB in fancy suits doing fancy moves

BSB with awesome showmanship skills

The one picture I am absolutely crazy over (and by far the clearest)--Nick Carter!!

See? I told you we had absolutely the best time of our concert-going lives!
*Taken right after BSB said goodbye :(


Anonymous said...




Sue Ling said...


Anonymous said...

i went to the concert toooooo.. was awesome!!!!!!! but i was so way behind... so sad... do u mind sharing some pics or videos with me??? pls thanks!!!!

Sue Ling said...

Hi there!!

Thanks for stopping by, I'll email you ;)

BSB Rocked!! XD