Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Halfway there

Stolen from this link

Now Playing : "83" - John Mayer

I just wanted to announce some great news (well, at least for me) that would quite possibly make the previous entry seem quite redundant. So here it is...

I am halfway there!

This morning, I had stepped on the weighing scale and found out that I've dropped a further two pounds! This comes as great news because it puts me at 32 pounds lost since I embarked on this mission back in October 2007 and now I have achieved in dropping half of the weight that I needed to lose, with exactly
33 pounds left to lose by the time graduation comes. 

Oh, I am so happyyyyy!!

I never dreamed that I'd come this far and seeing results like this only motivates me more and more in reaching the end goal.


Anonymous said...


Sue Ling said...

I didn't know you indulged in Leet Speak XD

Anonymous said...

Halfway there, that's amazing progress. Congratulations!

Love John Mayer's "Room For Squares" but everything past that seems to be lacking IMO :)

Sue Ling said...

Thanks Aya!

I'm a heee--uuuuuge fan of John Mayer and I think he just keeps getting better and better. I guess all the overpriced ori albums collecting dust in my CD holder proves that....>_<