Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The insanely yummy butter cookies


Your butter cookies are absolutely FAB FAB FAB!! I took half a piece, put it in my mouth and like magic it MELTED so I had to take the other half :P :P and eat that too and OMG it's soooooo good that I just had to faster RUN away because if I stayed and looked at your cookies I would eat more and more!! Wahahaha!!

Also hor, you can TOTALLY bukak a butter cookies business because it rivals the Danish-butter-cookies-that-comes-in-a-tin-which-you-can-find-at-Giant-I-think. You should sell them because I'm sure people would buy lots and lots of them and I'll tell everyone to buy from you so that I generate business for you so that I can get some FREE cookies! Right? XD No lah, just kidding.

BUT, thanks for letting Jules bring some back for us to try, I love the cookies and my brother loves the cookies too but hehehehehehehehehe can not tell Jules to bring larger quantities back because I know for sure if she brings pineapple tarts and all the cookies she says you are FAB in and her godmum's muruku (OMG) then I'll sure put on weight again! :P


On a totally unrelated note...I've really begun to enjoy cooking! See, I made that for dinner tonight woot woot!


~JL said...

I've mentioned her cookies to you before many times but I guess now you've finally tasted it yourself! ;) See! I wasn't kidding! LOL!

Sue Ling said...

Eh, in *all* honesty, I don't quite remember you mentioning her cookies woh.... XD