Thursday, August 28, 2008

Florida trip Pt.3 : Orlando parks that are not owned by Disney

While in Florida, Phil and I made our way up north to Orlando where all the famous theme parks were. Disney, Universal, Sea World, the works! However, I took waaaay too many pictures during my trips to Disney so that'll be in another post. 

Meanwhile, enjoy!

The view from our hotel was amazing! As you can see, at the far end of the picture is just part of the loooong stretch of hotels, theme parks, water parks and a gazillion restaurants. This is just on the left hand side of my view as you can see Universal Studios on the another picture.

Although we didn't go to this exhibit, obviously I just had to get a shot of this upside down building. This is just high up on the coolness list.

Universal Studios!!...and quite possibly the smallest of all aforementioned three parks! Our visit to this place was a very, very wet one as it rained non-stop although not very heavy for the most part.

The World's Largest Hard Rock Cafe! Unfortunately, we did not have a chance to dine there as it was not a meal time when we came across it. Plus it was raining and we haven't yet explored Islands of Adventure ;)

Awesome, awesome ride. Also a little creepy.

It's a new The Simpsons ride, just incase you didn't know. This was one of the best rides we went on (Phil turned green at the sight of roller coasters *boo*) and was actually, ironically, a simulator roller coaster!

Back to the Future's DeLorean; a Universal Studios staple. Saw one in California's Universal Studios when I visited that many years back.

Oh yeah, did I mention that we went on all the 3D/4D rides? This was probably one of the best!

Sea World and its "bigger than Miami Seaquarium's tank". Beautiful tank and they've also got quite a few more killer whales here. 

Just another picture of a performing killer whale, this time at Sea World. 


One of the best attractions at Sea World was the dolphin feeding/petting enclosure. Naturally, there was a very, very long line to purchase fish to feed the dolphins but it was well worth it as we got to pet them.

"Me first!"

Yes, I did. I bought that plushy. I couldn't resist! It was just too big not to buy it :(

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