Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I really really really want...

Now Playing : "Black Velveteen" - Lenny Kravitz

...a sandwich.

I am hungry. Seeeeeeriously hungry. It's 4:20AM and instead of being in lala-land, I am wide awake with a stomach begging

Feed me!! Feed me!!

But I don't...cuz I am on a diet.

Then in rebellion, it growls, which sends vibrating signals to my mouth to turn on the taps and start salivating. Mop up on aisle three!!! Then I begin to think about having a sandwich for lunch tomorrow but then I realized that I'll be out during that time so I thought OK, maybe I'll have a sandwich for breakfast instead.

I'll just set the alarm.

...for 10AM

To wake up to have a sandwich.

Ham. and. cheese.

at 10AM...

Nononono!! That won't do! It would be totally ridiculous and detrimental to my diet plan if I were to get up at 10AM just to have a sandwich and then have lunch outside which also means it'll probably be calorie-laden just three hours later???

Am I bordering on paranoia yet? Obsessive much!!

I've gone down 7 pounds and I'd be pissed to let all the hardwork--but mostly suffering--go to waste just to have a sandwich tomorrow! So I'll have it either for dinner tomorrow or for lunch on Wednesday. Not a big deal really! But the fact of the matter is...

I. really. love. sandwiches.

As far as I'm concerned, sandwiches are the food of Gods. I could eat them for every meal, everyday. Stuff anything between two slices of carbs and I'll walk the trapeze for you. Let me just tell you, even though this is technically useless information for you, that sandwiches are up there in my top three favorite foods. The others being potatoes and cheese. 

The problem is...my stomach won't shut up. 

And it really, really, really wants a sandwich right now.

I'm determined to shut the bugger up so I thought OK, maybe if I just Googled some pictures of sandwiches hopefully that'll keep it quiet.


Totally and absolutely dumb move on my part. It was like feeding Gatorade to my stomach to make even more noise in protest of not giving it food. Kind of makes me real glad that there's a motion-sensor burglar alarm downstairs.

Monday, October 29, 2007


I apologize for not blogging as much as I did, but I think I've hit like a blog-block lately and nothing really seems (that) interesting enough for me to want to blog about. Exams are right around the corner, so I bet I'll be blogging even less (not that I've been blogging any more HAHA) but as soon as I find something interesting enough to blog about, I will. 

In the meantime, you'll just have to hop on over to Jules' blog for reading material since she is the one who updates her blog more frequently than I do. :P

PS : Watch a video of Puddles!!! ---->

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Now Playing : WQXR

I can't wait for exams to be over!
I can't wait for exams to be over!
I can't wait for exams to be over!
Exams haven't even started yet!

I seriously thought that the wait until November 17th to purchase the new Mac OS X Leopard would be a piece of cake but after reading reviews after reviews of the product only launched yesterday, my hands are trembling with the anticipation of finally getting my paws (pun intended) on it!

But why?? Why do I do this to myself?? Frankly speaking, as much as I am already addicted to my Powerbook, buying Leopard just three days from the start of my finals is hardly the smartest thing to do 'cuz everyone knows that my books will just continue to gather dust!

But that just makes up like 90% of why I've stayed away from the Apple shops. I need to get more RAM. 1GB more to be precise. The only problem is that I have no idea what sort to get except that I should get one that's a DDR. So, once I get the chance, I need to unscrew the memory thingy of my Mac, and show it to every Tom, Dick and Harry RAM salesperson at Digital Mall to get the right one. Meh, I bet it won't be cheap. 

And I need to learn how to backup my stuff. Believe it or not, I don't have a single backup of my files. Not one bit of the 34GB+ media files that I own. Or a single wallpaper out of the 1555. And basically everything that's important to me. OK, as I am typing that out do I realize just how silly I am to not have a backup!

Anyway, it doesn't matter since I need to bring in my Powerbook for some repair so I can just pay a little extra for all my files to be backed up. Yeah...good plan.

I shouldn't even be thinking about all this right now. 

But seriously though, studying for exams is such a bore.

Thursday, October 25, 2007



My birthday present (not a surprise anymore since Mr.C Sr. had no choice but to spoil heh heh!) from Phil finally arrived today!!!

And I absolutely love it!!

Thank you so much babe!

The lurvely basket o' flowers

This lil' guy came included with the flowers! 
Apparently, he's called Little DuDu (tag).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm losing

I'm really losing this fight


Now Playing : "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" - Backstreet Boys

Well, I'm back again. Still not quite recovered from this nasty flu, though. Oh, and also since the last time I've blogged, there's been a change *winkwinknudgenudge*. 

I am now 22.



Well okay, maybe the "whee" was exaggerated. Twenty-one or twenty-two, I still feel the same. At times, I do think that birthdays would seem more significant if, at the stroke at midnight, one would feel an instant twang of intellect pop inside their heads.

Okay, that does sound kinda silly.

Anyway, the point is that I don't really feel any different at all. However, the birthday celebrations were nice, thanks to friends and family who took care to make sure we enjoyed ourselves; and I lost six pounds prior to my birthday--not enough, but it was borderline satisfactory for the time being (although, I must say the amount of food consumed in the three days of celebration might had as well put all six pounds right back on).

And of course, the special someone who made it a point to come see you on your special day even if took him quite a few tries to.

I think I'm good :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007



I really wanted to put up the pictures from today's wonderful birthday outing (thank you SO much Jules, June, Darren, Fred, Su Lyn, Edmond!!) but I've got a massive splitting headache and as the previous post had mentioned, I'm sick. So hopefully I will have them up sometime tomorrow and in the meantime here's a picture of our cute new Maltese puppy!!

Thank you so much for the wonderful time guys!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Not this weekend!!!

(Photo: June [because I don't have one
with me in bed] heeee)


I think I think I think I think I think I think
I think I think I think I think I think
I think I think I think I think
I think I think I think
I think I think
I think

I've got the flu.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Oh, the hunger pangs!

I'm on a diet again.



Wednesday, October 17, 2007

You gotta watch THIS

Freakin' brilliant ad!


I'm truly sorry
you still feel that way
I know it was my fault
all along
just to let you know
after we made up
I tried.

Too little, too late perhaps?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Will you be my friend?

Now Playing : "In The Crossfire" - Starsailor

Are you on Facebook?

I bet you most likely are.

Well, so am I.

Will you be my friend?

I confess; I update my Facebook account everyday (if SuperPoke counts as updating). I didn't use to have this so-called obsession and I certainly wasn't like so with Friendster but the fact is that 

Facebook. Is. Just. Really. Fun.

But you know, whether in Friendster or Facebook, there will be weird people lurking about. Are you the kind of person who would just add anybody and everybody (enemies excluded) as a "friend" even though you two have never met, never talked, never seen one another?

I get people wanting to add me as a friend many times (not on a bragfest here, mind you) and 9 out of 10 times, I have no heckedy-heck idea who the person is! I mean, have we met?? Did we bump into each other at the cinema?? Did you fix my car at the shop?? Did I try to hit on you while drunk at a club?? Personally, if I don't know you, really, please don't be all pretentious and add me as your friend in hopes of showing off to your pals what a big collection of female friends you've got. 

But wait, before you call me a stuck-up bitch, hear me out; how would you feel if one day I walked up to you and you didn't know me and I swung my arm around you and chirp "Howzit goin' there, buddy ol' pal??"

I think you'd run.

Far, far away.

Still, if you really insist on being a friend indeed, how about a little "hello"? Maybe actually take steps to being a friend. Unfortunately, this nearly always never happens. 

Maybe the term "friend" has a totally different concept in these communities.

Monday, October 15, 2007

When You're Gone

I don't know about you,
some songs, whether
their lyrics
their melodies
are just so powerful
for no reason at all
they make your heart hurt
your eyes water
for some sadistic reason,
they make you
to it over
and over

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Who left those there?!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pissed off


I may be indebted to you
for all the times I've come to you for help
you totally fucking pissed me off.

Friendship will resume
after I get over this.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Yesterday's pictures are finally up!!
Thank you my dear mum for the gastronomical awesome food
thank you dear friends for making the end of semester
go out with a big bang!

**There's a pretty logical reason as to
why I'm not in any of the above pictures :P

So don't ask!

Une note courte

Just a short note to say that although Julianne has mentioned in her blog that I've put up the pictures I took of the really fab end-of-semester dinner at my house, as you can see they're *clearly* not up yet as I have yet to Photoshop+Flickr them 

because I am dead beat

and so I am going to bed rightaway, and my feet really, really, REALLY hurts for having stood more than 12 hours today. So yeah, let your food digest in the meantime and tomorrow I will have (most of) the pictures up.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Gardens

The Gardens @ Mid Valley

Now Playing : "The Great Parade" - Her Space Holiday

I know I've been moping about, especially at night, for the past couple of days and I'm sure by now I need not elaborate on why.

Shopping is my therapy. I'm female. So sue me.

I skipped a class today to go shopping. Technically, my actions are justified because I had a birthday present to hunt and besides, I wasn't willing to warm the chair for two hours listening to presentations. And I was hungry and didn't want to subject my stomach to puasa-style food, if you know what I mean.

So my chauffeur Jules and I head over to MV Megamall and unknowingly parked in The Gardens' parking lot. Finally got to walk around the new shopping mall and liked the fact it felt like Singapore's Takashimaya-cum-Hong Kong's Harbour City. That being said, the probability of me spending on a whim there has the same chance of me buying a camel.

Still, I did buy something and fulfilled my goal at the same time; I managed to score a pretty darn awesome birthday gift for my mum and just spent the night adding the magic touch. Can't tell you what it is though, you'll have to wait until the 23rd like everybody else. It was expensive, that much I can tell you. Also I think the shop is bewitched. Put one foot in and you're instantaneously inspired of ideas of all the things you could do with their products.

Well I was inspired to fork out nearly a hundred bucks. Yeah. Bewitched.

Don't get me wrong. I'm actually in a happier-ish mood.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

Know By Heart

Now Playing : "Nothing Like You and I" - The Perishers

I know what I want.

What I really, really want.

Birthdays are just one of the few events each year that I look forward to and even though I don't throw parties to celebrate this special occasion, nevertheless the things that make it special are the people you spend it with.

Your family.

Your amigos.

What is probably essential but secondary are the presents; the icing on the frosted chocolate cake. My birthday is in 15 days and the questions of what do I want for my birthday have already come. The answer, as always, is quite simple really; anything I can use for or with my laptop/iPods will be, and always is, greatly appreciated. But...

That's not what I want this year.

What I so desire is a mixture of the two-the one person's presence on that day would truly be the best gift I could ever have. It's crazy how we've spent so many birthdays apart. Nonetheless, as much as I wish this would indeed happen, at the very same time in my heart I know that it really is quite the most impossible thing. That being said...

All I want for my birthday

is you.

Malay Food Galore!

Now Playing : "Nobody's Home" - Avril Lavigne

Earlier this evening, I went to the nearby buka puasa pasar to take a look at some of the many kinds of food sold there. This pasar is only open once a year and that is during the fasting month.You can usually find a lot of good Malay food (although now it seems to incorporate a fusion of other non-Malay cuisines). Needless to say, we bought a heaping basin full of food! Enjoy some of the pictures I took while we were there.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Thanks for staying up 'til 5:30am to keep me company :D
(At least until the part where I had to chase you off)


Saturday, October 6, 2007

How To Keep Your Cool When Accessing UMCTES

Now Playing : Thru The Eyes of Ruby - Smashing Pumpkins

If you are currently pursuing your bachelor's degree at ol' Universiti Malaya, then you already know that you have to evaluate your courses online at this site or else suffer the consequences next semester. I know, I know...sounds like a threat, but in actuality, it is. So don't play play and get it done by Nov 6.

On the other hand, if you have tried (and failed to complete) to access or the web pages times out followed by numerous syntax errors, don't throw your chair at the computer screen just yet. 

I have ze solution!

First of all, it's important to note that UM's online systems can't seem to cope with the thousands of undergraduates trying to access the same server. In order to evade this and save yourself a ton of headache, take heed of the following advice;

1. Access the site during non-peak hours (i.e weeknights) or on weekends 
2. Once inside, complete the evaluation forms AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The longer you take, the more inclined the server is to time out.
3. Suggestion forms at the end of the evaluation form only allows 200 characters and does not state it until you punch Enter. Amending this takes a lot of time, so if you insist on submitting a suggestion, type it out in Word first to ensure you stay below the 200 character marker and then cut and paste.
4. If halfway it does time out, do not bother refreshing or going back a page. It is more effective to log out and back in to try again.

Hopefully, these methods will be of use to everyone who wished they'd stuck to paper evaluation forms (including moi). Let me know if the above steps were useful to you and are all smiles like us!


Friday, October 5, 2007

Gender Roles : Equality

Who's gonna do them dishes?!?