Thursday, April 30, 2009

#20 - Just another day at work

I was a bit bored sometime after lunch at work today and seeing I also had a wee bit of free time to spare, I started doodling. First, it was just a bunch of cartoonish animals but then it started to evolve to me drawing cartoons of the lot in my office.

As you can see, my colleague Naela is as usual glued in front of the telly with her notorious obsession for American Idol (along with her school girl crush of Anoop Desai) while her shaven-headed nemesis,Daniel, crawls to make yet another day more interesting for her.

And of course, the two usual innocent bystanders Jessica and yours truly watch all the drama...that's about to happen. O_o

At the time of typing this, I have already gifted this doodling to Naela who loved it! :D

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

#19 - Too Damn Early

Yes, I wasn't the only one who heard aaaaaaallll the commotion about Krispy Kreme opening up here in Malaysia. Hearing something about a launch that already took place, I decided to head down to Times Square and lo and behold...

I was one day too damn early.


Monday, April 27, 2009

#18 - Twenty Six

Stupid blotch...eggh...

Happy 26th Birthday, my darling P.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

#17 - Impulse shopping

I dropped two pant sizes!! Woot woot!! Well okay, that's not entirely true since I could squeeze myself into a size 29 but well, that was just barely comfortable. While browsing around in F21, I came across some rather cheap white jeans.

White jeans.


Seeing how they only had sizes 28 and 30 left, I naturally picked the latter but when it was too baggy, I sighed and took my chances with 28. As I slid the jeans up my arse, I chanted...

"Please let it fit! Please let it fit!!"

And with one easy hook of the button, it fiiiiiiiiiit!!

I literally jumped up and down in my little dressing room with joy.

I'm pretty sure my successful treadmill runs (yep, twice today babeh!) didn't cause this instantaneous reduction. I have hope!! Woot!

It looks like a good restart. :D

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm such a slacker.

This is yet another post about my ongoing battle against the bulge. If you do not wish to hear me rant, whine, complain and bitch about it, better you move on. The rest of you may stay on while I provide you with vacuum bubbles to hopefully drown out my incessant ramblings.

I think I've been really slacking off.

I've been less than vigilant with what I've been stuffing into my mouth since Chinese New Year and more importantly, I've been allowing myself to indulge in daily guilty pleasures (i.e Starbucks, dim sum) with my colleagues at lunch time (shaddap Jessica!).

I think my Willpower has taken a long--too long--holiday and put its replacement, Laziness, in charge. I think Laziness needs to be fired. After all, we are facing an economic downturn and we need to cut the fat. (Haha I'm beginning to be quite good at this pun thing....)

I only have 12 more pounds to lose. Just twelve! For you metric system lot, that's 5kg. If you think about it, after losing 56 pounds (25kg) so far, 12 more shouldn't be that hard. Or take that much work.

The worst bit is that it's not like there hasn't been any signs which were constantly yelling at me to get my butt off the chair and jump on the treadmill. In fact, there's been plenty! I've been following The Biggest Loser religiously on tv and each episode reminds me how 12 pounds is nothing! Heck, one guy lost thirty-freakin-one pounds in one week!

Watching The Biggest Loser basically tells me that I have no excuse for putting off losing those last 12 pounds. I like feeling the guilt, because it makes me want to do something. Or at least think about it.

But you know, I work all day with kids which tires me out completely. Heck, I get all my exercise there! Jaw exercises from all the screaming, the aerobic exercises from my hands and arms flying about while blasting out all kinds of instructions and doing lots of squats since I can barely ever sit down--because hey, since when do you really sit down when you teach kids?

I'm just making excuses...and a whole lot of them.

I wanted to wait until Monday to start my regime again but I realize that I could easily start tomorrow. I know I've said it before--actually, more than I can count--that I'll wake up to exercise before starting my dailies but I never get round to it.

I'll try my best tomorrow.

Not only do I want to do it for me, but also because J seems to have started doing something about her situation and I admire that, thus reminding me yet again that there's just NO excuse for me to be slacking off!

And also, I want to show a dear colleague of mine, who has been relying on me for advice on nutritionals (though I'm frustrated she rarely listens to me!) that I can do it and will do it, proving that I can help her! Maybe then she'll start listening to me -_-"

As a painful reminder to myself, I dug out an old photo (one which I'm particularly ashamed of) and reminded myself yet again how much I need to finish the damn job.

So I like that yellow t-shirt a lot! So sue me! :P

Friday, April 24, 2009

#16 - Three Reasons

...that is causing that rotund fuglyness >_<

Still, nothing like something expensively sweet to end a stressful week.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

#15 - Decadence

Nothing like a midnight snack of something sugary and low calorie :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

#14 - Good things to come home to

A tray of freshly baked scones waiting on the kitchen table, waiting for you to eat them and mm good! ;)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

#13 - Alive


Friday, April 17, 2009

#12 - Weekends

Because teachers need 'em to protect their sanity after five full days of staring at agonizingly bad English grammar.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

#11 - Thundercats

Warm bed, 100 Plus and 2 seasons of Thundercats - the best combination for the person down with food poisoning. :(

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

#10 - Four

Because one just ain't enough O_o

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

#9 - Homework

June's homework.
A ginger soy sauce chicken which I haven't tasted, unfortunately, but of which I heard was good!

Monday, April 13, 2009

#8 - Freebies!

Redeemed on the last day of Starbucks' Buy 8 Get 1 Free .
The ever yummy Mocha Frappucino and a Caramel Macchiato!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

#7 - Merchandise Fail

You think Kitty's trying to tell us something here?

B is for Bored

I woke up bored.

I ate my lunch bored.

I ran errands half bored.

I was groomed. Was not so bored.

I ran errands again, bored.

I drove to the mall bored.

I walked around bored.

I drove home bored.

I got home bored.

I'm typing this, bored.

I'm bored of being bored.

And, I'm lonely.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

#6 - The Best Spaghetti Ever

Look at that sinful plate of carbs!!

I've had a lot of spaghetti in my pasta-dining-life. Bolognese, Marinara, Pomodoro, Carbonara, Squid Ink, Seafood, Instant...the list goes on.

But nothing, not even in Italy, compares to the mouthwatering culinary orgasm Ms. Reed's Mama's Beef Bolognese Spaghettini induces. It gets my vote as #1 on top of my must-have pasta list. It's sooo good that I can't resist having it each and every time I visit the restaurant.

I wonder if Ms. Reed's will pay me for advertising this..

Friday, April 10, 2009

#5 - Peekaboo!

Today's entry was taken a little just an hour before this post. Imagine that, spending two hundred bucks on these crocs only to have them tear open a couple of months later. :(

Thursday, April 9, 2009

#4 - Resident cat

This black cat is always spotted loafing around this very spot. I don't think he ever leaves. I shall call him Phat Cat. ;)

I don't want to, I NEED to.

First, let me tell you a story.

There's this war, right.

On one hand we've got Sgt. Green Vegetable, Cor. Lean Meat and Lt. Fruit.

On the other, we have Heil Fat and his minions; Starbucks, Coco "nut" Milk and Agent Oil who has been ruling the dominion for awhile now.

So, they fight. Hard. Thorns were swashbuckled. But most of all, bad puns were exchanged.

"Orange you going to get the hell out?!"
"Olive you alone if you make yourself sparse!"
"Dis nacho land, get-aoouuwwt!!"

And an unfortunate Coco "nut" Milk who, born with a mouth defect, mispronounced all her Gs and ended up yelling her own name multiple times when telling the troops to charge.



Eventually, the good guys won and the land was a better place. For awhile.

Over a year since their defeat, Heil Fat was still displeased. For days, he would sit in his potato couch reeling and pondering his revenge. And then...a knock came at the door. It was the person he had been waiting for. He looked at the slick, cool dude with his shiny black sunglasses who was petting his pet cat, Cheetos.

"Mr. Andersens."

Mr. A put up a hand.

"Please, call me Ice Cream."

They conspired. They schemed...and at last, they found the Secret Recipe.


The battle continues.

Taking a cue from Ms.Sampat's most recent blog post, I decided to come up with a list of my own.

1. Eat healthily for a day.
2. Eat healthily for more than one day.
3. Eat healthily for a week.
4. Eat healthily for more than one week.
5. Eat healthily for a month.
6. Lose weight.

As you can see, mine's somewhat of a shorter list than hers. My goal is simple;

Stop pigging the fuck out.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

#3 - A date with a (really) white guy

Come on Ronald hunney...lick it, babeh.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

#2 - Lunch

#2 Subway's Turkey Breast and Ham on Hearty Italian bread with a mountain of slivered black olives. Mmmmm...!

Today's entry is my lunch today at Subway. I'm quite proud of myself (and my smidgen of willpower) to have something healthy after pigging out on all kinds of sinful, local delectables. Sigh...oh the nasi lemak/campur/dagang/cheese naan/char koey teow/KFC/Starbucks/xi mut tea/shanghainese noodles/fried carrot cake/tandoori!

Sigh. I'm going to be so fat again. Siiiiiigh.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Project 365 - #1

My blog is dead--has been dead--and Project 365 is yet another attempt in resurrecting it.

What is Project 365, I asked my happening cousin which inevitably, showed how much I was living under a rock. >_<

"You post a picture each day for a year so I won't be so disappointed whenever I visit your blog lah!"


Smart aleck remarks aside, I've decided to jump on this bandwagon. I've been complaining about having nothing remotely interesting to blog about after refusing to blog about work. Now I'll be able to blog about totally random things without having to actually rummage through my mundane days looking for a morsel of something remotely interesting to talk about. phew!

This will also give me incentive to put some use into my quite neglected new Sony camera (wait, what? new yet neglected already?) other than to take camwhorish pictures of yours truly. In addition, I'll be using my iPhone camera to take pictures of utter randomness to once again bring joy into your exciting lives ;)

Oooh, speaking of iPhones! Did I tell you I finally finally finally got myself one?


That's right! I didn't blog about it *pouts* but wahahaha I blew my entire March paycheck on that ultra cool gadget which I've been waiting feverishly for for two years. In fact, this news is so overdue that it shall be #1 of my Project 365 er, project.

Cole being charged after two long days of mega texting, mega surfing and mega obsessing by its owner.