Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Resolutions

Late August, my mum and I had made a bet with each other--and on my part, I had to lose the last 10 pounds of well, me, by our birthday.

But that was in August.

And I haven't exactly been eating as I should be since making that bet. O_o

I haven't gained anything. But I also haven't lost anything. I've been ridiculously stuck at the same number that I'm sick of seeing for over a month! My fingers and forearms have gotten slimmer, but that doesn't reflect on the scale *sniff* .

So since it's now October 1st, I shall make a tiny (and hopefully attainable) resolution to lose 3 pounds by the time October 23rd comes around. I'm going to reapply my "weekend-only" treats again because I've been a baaad girl :(

So, friends (namely you, you and you) whenever you feel like calling moi out to a fab dinner, can wait until the weekend ah? :P


sulz said...

i memang prefer weekends actually.

anyhow you already look great lah... at least you don't have you cut your head off in pictures. HAHA!!

Sue Ling said...

Hehe me too :P

Aiya, I know lah I look great but I wanna look BETTER than great!! ;)

If I keep this up, pretty soon I'll have to cut off more than just my head :P