Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bierhaus Birthday

Just came home from a birthday outing for Fred (Happy 18th!) and we tried this new German restaurant (well, it was new to us!) at the Curve called Bierhaus...something. I can't remember the whole name. It was a really nice place and thank god I wasn't on a diet today because the food was fatty yet excellent! My only complaint was that I wished I had tried the beer since I've always wanted to try German beer but I don't like beer in general so pooh! Anyway, it was a blast and here are some photos I snapped tonight! Enjoy!

Ps : I couldn't get a picture of Mario, he seemed to shy away from the camera! :(

The birthday boy!

There were friends...

There was food...

There was fun!

There was me! *smirk*

Best of all, there was cake!!

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