Sunday, May 24, 2009

#25 - Hummer

This fancy-schmancy car dealership just opened up right in front of my workplace. As I walked on the pathway along it, I saw the usual luxury cars--all shiny and expensive looking--lined up, ready to be bought by people with money to burn. Mercedes, BMWs, sports cars with Italian names I'm too lazy to pronounce...and then, my eye caught something which led me to a screeching halt.

A Hummer.

A beautiful Hummer just sitting there, waiting to be bought. A Hummer I could look at every day while most car enthusiasts only pray they'd get a glimpse of--if they're lucky.

Darren, eat your heart out. ;)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

#24 - Twins

Here's an interesting fact;

In the entire stretch of buildings in which my company is located, there are only two people who drive the same car with the exact same color; me and some other dude.

We've never actually crossed paths but I am often amused to see where my car's identical twin would be parked by the time I get to work. I suppose the driver works somewhere near me as his car is frequently spotted in close proximity.

Today, I arrived late at work. Like after lunch sort of late. For those of you who know where I work, you'd know that getting decent parking at that time is virtually impossible and that was true for me. Desperate and very, very late, I parked...illegally. I've never gotten a traffic summon before and don't intend to start a trend but I was simply desperate.

Anyway, there I left my car in the middle of the makeshift parking space. I grabbed a speedy lunch and went indoors to punch my card which would inevitably send alarm bells ringing come paycheck day.

Much later, I decided to take a peek outside the window, full of hope there wouldn't be a long piece of paper stuck under my wind wiper. What did I find instead?

A car ... identical to mine ... of identical color ... parked directly next to mine.

Was this the driver's acknowledgement to me that only we drove the same car on the block? Did he think it was funny? Was it a joke? Well, I sure found it hilarious considering the ample illegal parking space which was available surrounding us plus an actual parking space in front of Old Town.

I found it so amusing that I just had to take a picture.

I should have left a friendly note on his wind shield before I left. Maybe we could have become friends. Maybe another opportunity will prop up and I can finally say hello! Of course, if he turns out to be some creepy dude...well, that's another story for another time.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

#23 - Human Sticker Book

Well, obviously this isn't a very well taken shot but some kid at my workplace ran up to me and stuck these three cute stickers on my arm and ran away.

Is that incredibly cute or what? :P

Saturday, May 16, 2009

#22 - WTF

"Smile big like me, girls!!"

The picture above is pretty darn self explanatory but, really, you only see things like these on the internet with other people's futzed up photos! Who is that dude?? Was he that bored with his company? Come to think of it, it's pretty funny to discover this.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

#21 - New Watch!

I've been needing a new watch for some time now but kept putting off buying one because:

a) I'm extremely picky when it comes to watches. It has to feel good from the moment I pick it up right until I put it on my wrist. If there's even a tiny negative feeling to it, I don't bother with it.
b) My current watch is one of sentimental value, as it is a Christmas gift from P about two years ago.
c) I don't usually like buying watches and don't particularly like owning more than one at any time.

I think those are a fairly good reasons to endure wearing my current watch which is much too tight after two pieces of the metal strap went missing. However, it's not only too tight but now I've been getting hives from all the pressure against my skin and that's what prompted me to start looking for a new watch.

As I've said, I'm picky. I looked at every watch store along Batu Feringghi while I was in Penang but didn't find anything. The next day while at Queensbay Mall however, I finally found what I wanted.

This beeeeeeautiful watch above! Simple yet classy/elegant enough. However, as it was a Tissot, it set me back quite a bit but I do think it was worth it because I'm not going to change watches any time soon.