Sunday, March 23, 2008

Winning a bet

Now Playing : "Apologize" - One Republic

...or at least trying to.

I'm flat out broke this month. Infact, I reckon I'm going to be quite broke for the next 10 years or so. Why you ask? Well, I've decided, after much hesitation, that I will buy myself a new car. Not exactly a milestone in life achievements that I had hoped to experience this soon but it came more of a necessity for safety's sake.

But oh my! I have digressed so! My bet--mwuahaha--is between my mother and I. She thinks that I won't be able to drag my lazy ass out of bed to go to gym at 6:30am (which is quickly approaching in less than 4 hours) and she's quite right. Countless times have I planned to get up early to go to the gym but each and every time I have failed. After a heavy dinner tonight, I figured that a gym call is necessary but the only time I have for it tomorrow is before 9am. 

She has bet RM10 that I would end up sleeping through it.

And as I have mentioned, I am flat out broke...

Oops, Happy Birthday pops!! (hopefully you'll find use in the enormous mug I gave you...)

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