Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's up, Doc?

Now Playing : "The Weight of My Words" - Kings of Convenience

Have you ever had a doctor tell you something so boggling that no matter how you try, you just can't believe his word? I was like that today. 

Ladies and gentlemen, my only update for you today is that I am sick. It's nothing serious or to worry about. Just your run-of-the-mill flu which of course is promptly followed by a quick visit to the doctor's. 

This time however, I had an extra question to ask. You see, lately I have been experiencing faintness or dizzy spells and blurred vision whenever I would get up or stand up from sitting or lying down. While it's normal to feel that on occasion, in my case I very rarely did. But it has come to a point where at every single instance, I would feel that. Obviously, I had something to worry about.

I imparted my problem and here is what I was told in almost exact words; "You have hypertension, but it's nothing to worry about because your blood pressure is at 170/100 which is perfectly normal for a young lady like you. You have what we call a 'hypertension phase', and after awhile it will go away. Just up your intake of salt and you should be fine".

Yes, I admit that I am not familiar with matters concerning BP. I accepted his diagnosis/explanation, mostly due with the fact that I was thrilled to hear that my "slightly on the high side" BP has become normal. This meant my diet was working very well for me.

Then Google screwed things for me. Here is why; any person having a 170/100 reading for hypertension is off-the-charts highly at risk for all the medical reasons we try to avoid like stroke. That being said, a normal person's reading should be clocked at 120/80 thus putting me at Stage 2 hypertension.Then, I found out about 'hypotension' which happens to be the opposite of hypertension. Here I found my symptoms...faint, dizzy spells, blurred vision. Also found were the doctor's advise on increasing the salt intake. 

And now, I am totally and utterly confused. Did the doctor say hypertension or hypotension (frankly, they sound alike)? How is it possible for a small person of 5 feet 1 height and despite still carrying extra poundage to have "perfectly normal" BP at a ridiculously high number? How is it possible that someone with those numbers have the symptoms of someone with low blood pressure? The last time I checked my BP I was 65 pounds overweight and was told that my BP was "slightly high". What does that make tonight's reading now that I'm only 29 pounds from my goal?? 

I think I'm lucky I haven't suffered a stroke yet. Feeding salt to a ticking time bomb seems like what I've been told to do.

It just doesn't make any sense at all.

Tomorrow I am going to go for a second opinion, one that I truly trust. I'll endure the endless long queue of people who also pour their ultimate medical trust upon him just to have a clear mind of my body. 

I'll find out then if Google was saving me instead.

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