Friday, March 28, 2008

A temporary loss of willpower

Evil Disguised

Now Playing : "All I Got" - Newton Faulkner

Well folks, my good streak has officially ended.

I shamefully and guiltily announce that today, I had binged.

First, I couldn't stop myself from continuously eating Chili's Bottomless Tostada Chips and the accompanying salsa dip and chili con queso. 

After I got home, I proceeded to eat six chocolate chip cookies.

So there it is. I had a temporary lapse of strong willpower and went against my better judgement and ate...and ate like how I used to eat. Mindlessly. Greedily. I won't start beating myself up about it, because there is no point in crying over spilt milk. I have eaten it and that's that. And I don't even want to begin to think that puking it all out is a legitimate solver. Nope.

I'm praying I won't feel and see the effects of my lapse of judgement but if I do, it would be a painful lesson. I think what caused my bingeing was the fact that I had skipped lunch today because I had no time for it. From now on, I will refrain from skipping meals due to reasons of having no time. I will MAKE time for all my three square meals in the future.

Now I will make a new goal, and that is to beat the previous record for no bingeing of 6 months. Hopefully I can lay the ever lingering desire to binge to rest. 

Wish me luck.

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